follys' Blog

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day 25



the last day 29 really wasn't it was about a week ago. and also in that blog I said that I walked to bill's 3 times. not true. I was too tired to do my evening walk.

did my first walk this morning and felt strong to bills lamppost. (3 min) but later felt tired. am able to stay up for about 4 hours in morning. ~1hr nap and then up for 3 hours and another nap for not less than 1hr. was tired this evening but decided to go for my walk anyway. legs were tired on the walk. am ok now but as usual legs tired, heavy in the evening.

for some reason in the past month I have developed a stiff neck. turning to right can cause some pain. think it is my pillow. the retribution of the gods for my sinful ways. actually its reasonably hard for a 70 year old male to be sinful!(lol) I am somewhat amused at our rather tacit assumption that human morality has anything to do with our sexual behavior. genug. best wishes to all survivors and caregivers and all others. as st john of the cross has said "all is well and all is well and all manner of things are well". david


ps. this may be a bad misstatement of st john of the cross. if it is sorry.


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Hi David, keep on walking. When I first started, I could only make it down to the top of the road and I was tired. Now i walk at least for 2miles! slow and steady. I feel so good, love the fresh air, talk to God, and enjoy seeing people.


Not sure about St.John of the cross statement, but your statement is just fine



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a little note. now sept17 my neck for some reason is considerably better. sleeping more on left side than right but that may have nothing to do with it.


Yvonne. good for you! I also really enjoy walking and am at a 1/2 mile limit once and sometimes twice a day.


I looked up the quote and it turns out to be Julian of Norwich




Julian of Norwich - "All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well" she was rather incredible --she was an Anchorite which means a recluse which further means that she was sealed in a small room with only a window to communicate with the world. these apparently were built on the side of churches so that she also had a window into the church so she could hear mass. I can't imagine someone choosing to do this. but if you desired to do this you probably found an incredible peace, not understandable or possible in current times.



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