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Finally, Some Down Time!



WELL, I got pneumonia, aches and pains too but I will stay indoors for a few days get some rest and try to recover where I feel better the soonest! Sometimes the way you feel doesn't tell you what is going on inside you

in many cases. This was one of those times I never thought about having pneumonia in my lungs!


So if and when you feel pains and just tired it could be something inside you that needs the attention of a doctor and a few x-rays! to determine what is happening! You know as we age so many things can happen with us on the inside and outside too. Then with having one side of the body paralyzed and no feeling much we tend to not know the hurt or pains!


I hadn't posted much or even read the site just watched TV most of the time and cared for the little dog while her owner is at school all day now. The dog seems to know when it's time for us to go pick my grand daughter up from school at 3pm and to go get the mail from the cluster boxes across the street. She really loves to ride on the scooter but I still need the leash or she will try to go too far ahead of me then run back home. I guess that's her exercise daily?


I hope this feeling I been having for sometime now will leave me once the meds start to take hold of the condition I got! This is my wife's early week to open the bank so she is home by 330pm usually unless a teller is out of balance. Isn't it a job taking care of someone else's money? Ours is never in balance and she takes care of all our accounts!


I'm glad I don't have that to do it would drive me batty for sure then standing and walking on her feet in high heels all day has to be a tough job by itself. I taped the segment from Dr. Oz about the wear and tear of a ladies feet in 5 inch heels all day long! She has been doing it since she was 18 years old and into the banking work in New Orleans!


It was at the bank where I first saw and met her as she came over to the teller I was doing business with to assist her with my transaction. The teller wanted to charge me a fee that I don't usually pay so my voice probably got a little loud. It was on my business account and maybe the teller didn't think I had that kind of money being who I was standing in front of her.


Boy, that was 17 years ago and we been happily married now for 15 years. Of course I had to sell the business when I finally got out the hospital after the stroke. I sold my motor home too at that time to buy the house we got now since we decided this marriage (her second my fourth) was it for both of us. Only God knew for sure and through all of this we are closer than ever. Sometimes it takes situations to bring people closer together!!


We are at that point in age and our life's understandings that we need each other and this is the longest I ever been married in four tries. I was suffering with PTSD way back then and had no idea, the Army didn't either but I was finally given 100 percent disability by the VA three years ago.


Just last year here in Texas I don't have to pay any more property taxes. That's a big savings for us and let's us pay more on the mortgage to get it paid off sooner!! We both give God the glory in our lives! Now just to get pass this pneumonia thing I can handle the rest!!


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Fred :


I am sure you will feel better soon with right medicines, so take it easy & follow doctors recommendations. I am so happy for you that you both finally found soul-mate in each other. having good life partner makes life so much more enjoyable.



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Hello Fred, was wondering why you have not been blogging. So get your rest, not like my husband, who have an operation on his right shoulder, and is driving me crazy. He wont take his meds for the pain he is feeling, so at night he toss and turns, no one gets any sleep. I know this is not you.

It is great when you meet someone that you know is your soul mate. This is mine and my husband's second marriage.



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Fred: I was also concerned with your absence. I am so sorry. Please do see to your recovery. Yes, pneumonia can certainly take the wind out of your sails. And with your heat, so much more difficult to deal with. See to yourself, honey. Take care. Medications, lots of fluids and rest, but yes, you have to get up and about as best you can. Please do let us know how you are doing. Debbie

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good luck to you fred! pneumonia is no joke and you really need to rest and not be bothered that your resting! wishing you well, david


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Fred, I'm so sorry to hear that you have pneumonia. Seems like that is all I hear these days. My mom actually finally got the pneumonia vac since everyone seems to be coming down with it. Seems like it's always something. I've had a terrible 2 weeks, and just hope that doesn't stretch into 3!

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