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Remember me??



Hello everyone. It has been ages since I did this. I have not been on StrokeNet for a while, well chat really, I do log in every day and try to keep up with the news.


We are in the middle of moving. I am doing something I have only done once before. We are getting rid of all my old furniture (newest piece I have is 12 years old) and we are buying everything new. We are starting new. We were supposed to move into the new place Oct. 1/13. Oops! we missed it, as today is the 7th but there is no hurry . We have the keys and moving in slowly as we buy new things they will be delivered to the new place. It will be so nice once we finally move. Then, no rest for the weary, we start on renovating the condo and putting it up for sale.


Through all of this going on, I have not been well all summer. Oct. 30/13 I am having a procedure/surgery done. They will burn the lining of my uterus. Imagine this ladies. After being menopaused for 10 years, I bled for 2 months straight. I was looking for a bridge to jump off of. So this procedure will take care of that though the bleeding has stopped. Thank God. (Sorry guys, TMI) So this is my life right now in a nutshell. I am so stressed but its almost over. Come on November then xmas shopping starts. Lotto tickets all around. lol


If that was not enough another family feud has erupted. Would you believe my oldest son has not accepted I am with Andre yet? It has been 8 years and we are engaged. My son did not approve of me selling the condo and renting instead. So I was told since I did not do what he thought I should do he was cutting all ties to me, he would not even be asking for news of me. I think my family thinks I had a labotomy instead of a stroke. I am almost 60 years old and do not need to ask permission every time I want to do something. Why do you think they think I should. Well thats all the whinning I have, til next time...


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MC, so sorry for the illness, the family feud and all you are going through. I don't have any answers as we have some problems in my family too, I think dysfunctional families are the major part of society now. How did we bring our kids up so SELFISH AND INSENSITIVE?


I hope the move is a good one for you and you find the peace you need as you approach surgery. We will all be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts and prayers.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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mc :


thanks for update I was missing our chats on yahoo & on SN. I really pray your son gets some wisdom that mom is adult & can make her own decisions which can be good or bad but she wil lbe responsible for its consequences, since he is not taking care of his mom anyways.



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mc :


thanks for update I was missing our chats on yahoo & on SN. I really pray your son gets some wisdom that mom is adult & can make her own decisions which can be good or bad but she wil lbe responsible for its consequences, since he is not taking care of his mom anyways.



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MC, sorry for all you have on your plate right now. Moving is enough to stress you out. Live your life the way you choose. After all, it is your life.


Take care and have a good recovery from you surgery.


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Hello MC, sorry about the illness. I haded the same problem, you will feel so much better after the operation.


I was just talking with my friend, about our kids, so selfish,and they feel they know best. Most families have these "issuses".

Good for you, if you feel that moving and getting rid of your old furniture, is good for you, then "do you".


My daughter feels that she knows best for me. She does not treat my husband well. I have been married, for over 20 years, he brought her up with love, treated her well. Yet she does not treat him well. I used to worry, not now. we are getting on with our life, and so should you.


You are in my prayers, concening your surgery.



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I had that same surgery when I was younger, there was some bad cramping for a couple of days but it could have been much worse. I also had the bleeding problem not long ago, had to have two D&Cs which finally fixed that. All this in the office (by my choice, due to Ray) so if it's what I had, just take two Aleve and a valium not long before, and you'll be fine.


I hope your son isn't mad you sold your house because he thought he had some kind of claim on it! We ourselves are living off the equity we built up over 40 years, no one helped us pay it off, and I hope none of the younger members of the family thought they would have some kind of claim on it when the time came. I'm planning on milking it dry! Sorry kids!!!

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So many have said it better - so i will throw a ditto out there..... You take care of YOU and if you are happy - then that is all that matters..... but i am sure the pain of the son's misguided disapproval hurts... and the move - well i just made it through 2 of them in a year.... and the procedure - ouch... but will hopefully bring you relief..

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I hope the surgery goes well; I feel you will be glad when it is over. I had a complete hysterectomy when I was 43 (had severe endomitrimosis) and I was so happy to be rid of pain.

Good luck.

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