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I'm Back But Still In Therapy



Well, thanks to all the prayers from many of you I'm back but still in therapy both OT and PT for a while longer. You know we never know what lies ahead of us on any given day or night. Once a survivor our lives change in the way we have to go about living.


Many of the things we love doing we just can't do one sided, one handed and mostly no memory of what we got in our mind anyway. I'm in therapy for a while longer and it's really helping me this time around to find my true self. A stroke as I stated once before, is certainly no joke.


To be fortunate to have a true care giver is a real prize being a survivor trying to do things yourself and many of these things you have done all your life. Your care giver will be there to help you anyway they can and in my case my wife is working an 8 hour job five days a week. One week she goes in early at 7am then the next week she goes in at 10am and work until 6pm.


With those hours she still goes to church Bible study and Choir practices then one evening she is in praise dance practice at church. Mind you that is a 50 mile round trip from our home. Then of course we make the same trip on Sundays for church services!


So now I'm living the life as a handicapped person who at one time was very independent in every way. All that can change in an instance by having a stroke and surviving. The life you live after that is a complete turn around in your independence. It seems so devastating to be like this but I know we all can make it if we try. It does take getting used to living life in a different manner.


Not a lot to say in this blog but I have so much to be thankful for being able to do and go when I can and take my wife out to places she wants to go. I'm thankful too for my little dog that belongs to my grand daughter that I baby sit while she is in school.


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Hi Fred, good to see you blogging. You are so right, we do have lots to be thankful, thought the stroke took so much away. Be thankfully for your wife, yes she is a blessing.


You are correct about getting used to living life in a different manner. I was Miss get up and go, now I feel that my get up and go has gone!


Iam trying, I love my walking in the morning it is great to be out in the fresh air.


I walked to an medical building, and offered to help in anyway, they said no thanks. The hospitals that are in the area, are too far to walk and it is hot I live in Florida, and I dont drive.


Never mind,, my head began to drop, but I said no not going down that road.



I know something will come up. Going out later with my grandkids, they keep me going.


God bless Fred



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Fred :

good to see you back & blogging again. things change in our life & we try to adapt to best possible way we can. glad you got your angel wife & that dog which gives you company.



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Today the OT therapist just about got my weak left arm and elbow straighten out like my good right arm is. These exercises I never had or done before in ten years of my recovery.


My wife is so amazed and I can walk now with it down to my side not curled up. I had gotten in bad shape!

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