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A social event for Larry



Last night Larry's Core Engineering group met at a restaurant for their annual event. These are men and their wives who were co-workers and retirees. In Larry's case, two of the friends Larry car pooled with for three years. Larry definitely wanted to go from the start, so we went and I think he enjoyed seeing all his friends and they also were happy to see him. Most are retired and all in good shape except one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. He and his wife were there and they plan to move to Colorado to be closer to their children. He is doing okay, but in the early stages, so his wife will need the family support later. We told Larry's friend who organizes the event that we will leave early. We were there for 1 1/2 hours and the meal orders still had not been brought. This gave us time to visit. I got up and started going around the table to talk to others, and other people started moving around and coming over to Larry. Situations like this are hard for him to move around. We left with "my take out" and got home in time to see the Cardinals game. I thought Larry would be exhausted from the visit but he stayed up an extra hour to watch the game. I guess he was still "keyed up" from it all. It was a shame he could not eat, but as the food service was slow, we would have had to wait another hour + to leave. Everyone said they were happy we came.


The game went on and on last night, tied in the 9th, and it was quite a shocker in the end. We won, but this will go down in history as the wierdest ending in a World Series game. We had two players, Craig and Beltron, playing off recent injuries. Our guys are tough! Now we have to win 2 more. Go Cards!


Larry has two doctor appointments this week. The doctor stopped his anti-depressant and he is on a new med. We will see how this plays out. Medications just don't seem to have any affect on him.


The sun is shining today and it will be in the 50's. Leaves are starting to turn. I hope the cold and snow stays away for a long time.




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Julie, Sounds like both of you had a good time. It was good for Larry to visit with his old friends. Enjoy the sunshine. I agree with you about the cold and snow staying away. However, I disagree about the World Series...Go Sox! lol

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Julie :


I am so happy that you both had great time meeting Larry's old friends. & left early to enjoy your game & food at home smart move.



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lots of mental work for Larry, planning for you, and the stress that just gets involved ( even with no handicap) with these types of things.... but so worth it when it all goes off with out a "hitch" ... and bonus still got to watch the game !!!

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Julie: I am so glad you both had a good time and were able to stay on a bit extra. So hard when you know Larry is so looking forward and you have no idea how it is going to go. Last thing you want is for him to be disappointed. It sounds like it was just perfect and the exact right amount of time.


Yes, insane game last night.


Do check in this week after Larry's appointments. Debbie

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