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I see a little more thought processes!



You know, since I started Bob on the Hot Dot's reading cards and the 6 sequence cards, I think I noticed a little more thought processing on his part. I thought he was now ready to do more than just "O" out in front a football game. I mean, yea, guys like football and he watches his share, but not all games and then those guys who sit around talking about football all day, when a game isn't on. I told him, "you know, Bob, how those sequence cards are causing you to follow the line of a story and get it in order, movies are like that too. He hadn't been able to watch anything like that, with a plot, because he couldn't follow anything. But, seeing what I believed was improvement in that area, he agreed and we have begun watching movies - not weird ones that keep flashing back and forth in time, that confuse even me, just normal movies..... and not tons of them that would just end up like the ballgames. I mean, any one thing that is nonstop, pretty much causes your eyes to glaze over and you go into a stupor, even me.


So, anyway, I believe this occasional movie therapy is doing something for him. Eventhough he doesn't get all the words right, and sometimes wants to just drop what he is trying to say, I'd have to say that he has went from one word (sometimes made up words) thoughts to reminding me to do something (just called from the bedroom to remind me to call my mom back, who called while I was getting him ready for nap). We talk around a little bit, have little conversations. I told our son that is more like he is retired and we are just having our lives (yea, I mean, minus those stroke things). I mean, most of those stroke things are here to stay, but it's nice to have someone to actually TALK to, even in aphasia talk. It gets lonely just having one word commands, that aren't even words.


I think some more of this is attributed to the fact that he is no longer "in hiding" for fear of someone he knows seeing him. We saw some of his co-workers at Frisches the other day and they came up to talk to him and he was very chatty (eventhough aphasic) and he's always loved being around people, so I think this is helping him to feel more like "Bob".


Another miracle. You know how they usually don't consider US? Well, last week we went to a train show, and I unfortunately, didn't realize I was taking him down a grade in the parking lot, and strained myself to keep his whl chr from flying down a hill. It was a long lasting strain, since once you got on that downward grade and began the snowball descent, there was no getting out of it, except just holding back and trying to control the speed. So, we were supposed to go back to an antique toy/hobby show today, and he said, we'd better not go. It was too much a strain for me to go back the very next week, while still sore. Wow. He really loves those shows too. I tried to talk him into it, but he said no, we needed to stay home this week-end!


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You do so much for Bob - helping him gain back as much as he can... and wow that was a scarey thing the fast grade down --- we ran into that trying a escalator - ( dumb i know) but we tried it .. and luckily my daughters boyfriend was with and able to get him off.... it had something to do with the paticular type of wheel on our wheel chair... as Colleen and Ray also did it and had no problems ... so it must be the wheel material... ??? But Sandy - you work very hard at doing the best for Bob as anyone ever could -- he has come so far.. and you have accomplished a lot !! the move, selling the house all the while assuring good care for Bob, therapies, and medical appts.. and You like Colleen do it alone with no help... I do these things but do get a hour here or there off when the kids watch him... but of course the kids will grow and move away, as they should... so i am trying to "pace" myself ... Hang in there Sandy - and you are doing a terrific job !! nancyl

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Sandy, agree with Nancy, you are a wonderful lady. I love the way, you try and do everything for Bob, and help with your knowledge for the other caregivers. Like I had said and I say it again,


There is a speical place in heaven for you caregivers.


God bless



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Sandy I so well remember that out of control feeling when you are on a steep slope with your loved one in the wheelchair and all of a sudden realise you may not make it! At that moment all you can do is lean back and try to arrive at the bottom of the hill in one piece. It is such a strain on your back. Thankful that Bob recognised that and didn't want you to take him out until you were well again.


You do a lot for Bob beyond the call of duty and maybe sometimes he does recognise that even if he does not verbalise it.



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OMG Nancy, you never told me! I didn't do the wheelchair on the escalator myself, a Redcap porter at Penn Station Amtrak did it for me. He also got my five pieces of luggage down three flights of stairs on one handtruck in two seconds, he was amazing! I nominate him for porter of the year.


He did the escalator so fast I don't remember exactly, but he turned the wheelchair around backwards and balanced it on the back wheels only, holding it up on one step til we got to the bottom. Isn't it amazing when you meet a professional that really knows how to handle a wheelchair? But he does this kind of stuff all day long, and probably for many many years, so he made it look easy. I was in awe. I am so glad you weren't alone at the time, and feel bad if I made it sound so simple that anyone could do it! This is a big reason I insist on still going to two of my weightlifting classes every week (used to be four or five), without that I don't know that I could get Ray around very well myself.


Anyway Sandy, you got Bob out, and that's the main thing. A few weekends at home aren't bad either. I am so used to scouting out any new locations we go to, usually handicap parking is what saves us, right by the main entrance. Ray is actually very militant about his right to handicap parking, like a little tyrant, he cracks me up sometimes. He has to examine every car to make sure they are authorized to park there. But if everything wasn't so handicap accessible as it is now, I can imagine being extremely housebound. And I think one of the "good" things about this stroke is Ray is better at showing love and appreciation, at least when he feels like it. He too can be like Bob and think of me ahead of himself much more than he used to. He also used to block things that he thought were too sappy, like cooing at a baby or saying "Awww" when he sees a dead animal on the side of the road. So there's that.

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That is another point of frustration in this location. I called ahead and asked if there was handicapped parking - on arrival, I'll be darned if I saw any anywhere! It must be there, but without those signs sticking up so you can see it, so must just be on the ground! Full then, anyway. Also, asked about restrooms, and there were 4 doors, and we never found the entry door to the one she said would have the BEST handicapped accessible bathroom. Did have to take Bob into the ladies and I'm sure they were all terrified. Glad to have that over and back out. There was no way to tell which part of the huge building divided into those separate areas that came from different entrances once you were inside, either. I only know to get to another part of the show, there was this HUGE ramp to go up, and we started going up and I suddenly stopped when I realized I'd have to come back down it. Oddly, after realizing that, that the other grade outside got me. I had put him at the door going in, and saw that park so close and zoomed into before someone got it, and didnt realize there was a grade there. If I'd left him at the door and went back up, things would have been fine, but I just didn't realize the grade there.

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Keep up the good work Sandy! Bob has a great caregiver in you and he will become stronger and better every day because you are there for him!

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one terrific thing about our forms and blogs the things we encounter others learn from -- and vice versa.... no matter what - we learn from each other ...nancyl

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