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A Lightbulb Moment!



Hey all,

I had a lightbulb moment today! I feel great! I am me and glad that I made the choices I did. I had to go stay at the house with my daughter this morning.... I was abit apprhensive in going there, but I figured what the hell? So anyway to make a long story short, about an hour and a half into my time at the house it hit me! I looked around, I walked from room to room, I went upstairs, I came back down, I went out to have a smoke on the deck. It wasn't "HOME" anymore. Nothing had been changed since I left, it is still all set up as I had it. But for the last month, the apartment hadn't felt like home. I was feeling so forlorn and displaced, like I didn't belong anywhere. (Yeah I know, poor poor me) well the apartment is home now! I don't miss the house, I don't miss Kurt, I pity the fool now, he settled for a tart that has no taste.Yes, I'm feeling superior to her at this moment, don't burst my high.I am over him, no more hurt, no more anger, I am freed! Liberated, the ball and chain is gone. I still haven't figured out why it suddenly hit me, but I'm glad it did. Time helps heal all. As soon as I got home, I had to blog this, cause I feel so energized. I am free. Now I know how a prisoner feels upon their release from prison.

Plus the house smelled sour. Mr. anal keep the house like a mueseam, shampooed the carpets yesterday in this heat anmd humidity and didn't put a fan on them to dry them, they soured, it was awful. Another reason I couldn't wait to get out of there. I told him the house smelled, he wasn't thrilled I said that. Now he'll be worried if anyone stops in cause it smells. I love messin with his head. But my place doesn't smell sour. and it is MY PLACE. Well hope you all have a great day.



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You've got a right to be proud of yourself! That awakening you had walking through the house you shared with Kurt was wonderful: A house is not a home. You're making great progress! Give it a month or so and your apartment will feel like a real home to you.



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well...... like that old saying home ISwhere the heart is, i think it's more a apifony(sp?),it's always o.k. to look back,but you know you have to keep on keepping on

right on sis! cocktail.gif

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im proud of ya gurl u go honey home is where the heart is and u figured dat out good pamellla beer.gif

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I'm so happy for you. smile.gif And I'm really glad you're home after visiting the 'house'. I hope you had a nice time with your daughter.


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