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All I want for Christmas



First, I want the weather to be good so our families can travel safely. I don't care if it is cold (well not too cold), just not ice and heavy snow. Second I would like our family to be healthy, happy, and prosperous this coming year. Third, I hope Larry will improve and have no further health issues. I hope I can continue to stay healthy. There are more wishes, but those are the main ones I can think of.


We have had warmer than usual temps this week. It was 62 yesterday and today in 50's but dropping with rain through Sunday. The ice and snow has turned into a wet and muddy yard. It seems every weekend for the past 3 or 4, the weather gets nasty.


We usually go to church Chrismtas Eve, and I hope the weather holds out. My daughter does dinner for Larry and I and my son afterwards. Christmas Day I have both my kids and Larry's and their families over for lunch. I am doing lunch instead of dinner this year. It seems to work out better I found, as the married kids have their in-laws they have to entertain for dinner. We are to get heavy rain starting today into tomorrow so I stocked up. I think I will bake cookies today with Larry's help. He can spoon and drop. lol


In trying to get Larry in the Christmas spirit (other than watching Hallmark movies) lol, I took him for a drive in our neighborhood to see the lights. Our fire dept. sponsors Santa coming in our street and the kids can have their photo taken with him. The fire engine comes wailing down the street with Santa following. The weather was nice and so a big success. Larry seemed to enjoy the lights as we drove around. He doesn't get too excited about much that I see, but I guess cannot express it. I also took him to the mall nearby so he could see the decorations and window shop. I was dying to browse but that would be too much. Larry never was much of a shopper before the stroke even. I did stop at St. Louis Bread Company and get lunch. It is Panera's and we call it The Breadco. lol


So, my daughter comes in Monday evening from Michigan. Hope the weather at her end is good. Larry does enjoy seeing her. She will insist on going to the grocery store Christmas Eve - good luck with that as it is quite chaotic. People crashing into you in the aisle.


Besides cookies, I guess I will start wrapping gifts. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year.


Best wishes to all here on StrokeNet.




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Julie, best wishes to you and yours and I hope your wishes do come true. It is hard to put on that Happy Face when life has been a long way from perfect all year but that is what we have to do. I have been overdoing it, out too much, strange meals at odd hours but I have the next few days to recover and get life into some kind of order. I know Christmas will come whether I am prepared for it or not.


Thanks for your friendship this year, it has been a tough one for me and all those who have stood by me are worth more than rubies.

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Julie: Christmas was always Bruce's favorite holiday. And for me, it is about hope. If that is the only gift I can give him, it is certainly the best.

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Julie, hope the weather is not too bad so the family reach safe and happy. I be praying the your wishes are granted. We all made another end of year so that is a blessing.


Have a Merry Christmas



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Julie, the weather may not cooperate, it will be very cold in all our states even Hawaii!


Have a very Merry Christmas an Happy Times this comng New Year!

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