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Extra Keys - Security... smirk, smirk...



Wed 19th, I went to Walmart and got a bunch of stuff, and also had 2 keys made. I worry that I could lose my keys or have my purse stolen, and I wouldn't be able to get back into the house. I actually had an incidence once before when someone locked all my keys in the car and I couldn't get in the house. We had to call a locksmith to open the car, but I was frantic till we could get home and in to Bob. I usually go to the store once he is down for a nap. So, I got a new set to put in a 'lock box' I bought to store keys (like realtors use), and even and extra front door one, for myself. So, I come home with this smug feeling of knowing I will never have to worry about not being able to get in, and with 3 keys to the front door in my purse... can not locate one. I was agog with terror and frustration. Was he up? still asleep? If I ring the doorbell, could he get to the door and unlock it? yes- unless he falls... and could end up blocking the door from entry. So, what do I do... stand on the porch, crying and praying and tearing thru my purse, which also has a 12" subway sandwich in it, for dinner. After about 15 minutes, I go over to the lawn chairs and start ripping things out of my purse (suitcase size purse), and do finally find a key.


It's just sooooo maddening that on the very day that I believe I am finally protected from lock outs, and am armed with *3* KEYS, that is the day I can't find a key and get in. It's like fate just HATES it when I feel confident that I have solved and issue and can no longer worry about it.


Got home later than I expected because Walmart moved every item on the shelf, in time for Christmas terror shopping, and then the key fiasco. The worst part of this is that it was son's birthday, and I knew I had to call right away when I came in, because he goes to bed early. I hate that it was not the carefree cheerful call I wanted to be. I tried to sound normal, but it was not.. it was stiff and I was just not making the happy birthday call that I really wanted to make to him :(


Well, around 3:30 am, which makes it Saturday, and my lock box is outside on the rod iron railing. hmmmm..... hope it doesn't fill up with rain water and rust the keys....


Oh, did I mention son is coming home TOMORROW with fiance? Yes, and I'm doing what is called CRISIS CLEANING. All the moving boxes were dumped EVERYWHERE and my plan was to work on them this winter when there was no therapy running us ragged, nor yard work to do. Boy, people coming sure can light a fire under you! Main areas are decent. 4 bedrooms are dumps... but they don't need in there, ha, ha... and don't look in the garage or your eyes might fall out.


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We use the garage entry all the time and my wife parks her car there while my daughter and me park outside but still come in the house from the garage. I have replaced the garage door three times in 13 years Once I backed into it and tore it up.


I had a number lock installed on the inside garage door after my stroke instead of a key lock. We never use the front door. We have the alarm system to turn off upon entry so that works for us. No keys to lose!!

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put the keys in a zip lock baggy.... or a small tupperware container.... BREATHE, smile and enjoy your sons visit !!!!! and good job on the crisis cleaning - been there, doing that (LOL).... now SMILE !!! nancyl

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Okay Sandy, calm down! I know with the keys, I have a petty big bag and Iam always having a hard time finding my keys, my husband always says" good thing no one is runing after you,".


I have done those crisis cleaning, my sister-in-law called out of the blue and said she was 10 min away. She is a busy body and always talking people business! I knew that I be the talk of the family. My husband and my son , oh we put Una Bolt to shame the way we moved! LOL


Enjoy your family and Merry Christmas!



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Sandy: I am a remove keys from car ignition and leave in hand, because if not, they are going to the bottom of the handbag, in a pocket - could be any pocket or on the ground. Like Fred, I have the backup of the garage door opener in both vehicles - but you answered my question - your garage is not accessible at the moment. LOL


I had six keys to both our front and back doors - they were brand new and came with storm doors, so both doors had 3 keys each and worked both doors. I have all six for the back, but am now down to two for the front. I think Mary Beth has two - LOL.


Crisis cleaning - always a favorite! I do hope you enjoyed your son's visit and enjoyed time with his Fiance. Merry Christmas! Debbie

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Sandy I have my keys on a caribeaner, it's a hook that is used for rope climbing they come in different sizes and you can buy them in the sporting goods section of Wal-Mart. When I get out of the car I clip it on the strap of my purse on the outside that way when I get ready to get into my car it is always right there at my finger tips. Just a friendly tip. It may not look very pretty but it sure does solve all the hunting for the keys issue when I have all my hands full and am trying to help Mike into the house all at the same time. Merry Christmas to you both!

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Cat, if someone stole your purse, then what? I did used to hide keys around for when I got locked out, in a zip lock bag. But I just happened to see this keylock thing when I ordered the alert buttons. Actually, the whole order was based on what if _I_ went down? Bob would not be able to save me, and might not even know something had happened to me. So, I got the buttons more for me, and if I push that button, and no one can get into the house, they can't save me either. So, I have the lock box. I just put it out there, and am debating the part of giving the info on the code to the volunteer people, or hoping I'm alive enough to tell them the code if I ever push the button. I haven't made up my mind... it's kinda a dangerous these days to give your key code to get into your house to anyone, maybe even the police. But it's out there, so I know I can get it if my purse is stolen, and if able, I can give the number to whoever I call if I push the button and can talk. The only question now is if I want to pre-give the number.... don't know yet.


I have to say that the raised silver numbers on the silver roller dials (4 roller dials) are impossible to read at night, I'm disappointed in that.

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Sandy: I hesitate to respond to this in fear of causing you more stress. But you do know that if your purse is missing, there is probably something in it that gives someone your address. Thieves do not need keys to get in anywhere. There are more valuable things in my purse-credit cards, check books-that give any thieves access to fast cash than my home which would require a break in, hoping the neighbors don't notice anything odd going on, having to deal with a disabled person who may have a security button on and then having to locate the valuables in the house.


So to protection. Anything of value goes in a safe deposit box. You have credit cards that only allow you responsibility for the first $50.00 charged after you report it stolen. No cash in the house. And of course, security button on Bob.


Our home information is on our 911 system. You have to trust someone. No, they are not above reproach, but they are the best you have unless you have someone who can get to your home and inside before 911. Here it is 7 minutes. I can get here sooner than 911, but in your case, you are thinking if you go down and Bob is no help. I do understand that. Bruce would not know I was missing until he missed a meal - LOL. And you have to consider if Bob could communicate with strangers. You have to have a game plan as to the worse case scenerio and work backward. And that involves getting into the house.


If you son is close by and willing to respond immediately, you have your security button programmed to him first. He understands that no matter what - whether you speak or not - he comes and can get into the home. Whoever you decide is the first responder - 911, family, neighbor, friend - must be able to get into the house. Something to think about. Debbie

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