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The Meds Are Working, I Feel Much Better Already



I return to doctor's office end of this month then a stool speciment is due middle of February and at that time I hope they tell me all the bacteria is gone from my system so I can start to feel myself again! I will finish the three meds program in a couple more days. I'm back eating OK and I'm putting good stuff in my body replacing the bad bacteria that caused all my problems!


Since I had to drop out of my physical therapy I hope to ride my exercise bike to get physically fit again and legs and arms working better! I feel paralyzed on both sides of the body!


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Fred - great news. Please do keep in mind that infection can be exhausting and drain you of all energy. Start back slowly and hydrate.

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good for you my friend! its always so nice when things seem to be improving. exercise will be there when you feel strong enough.


best wishes



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