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Test And More Testing



I'm still having several test done for my condition so things are going pretty slow but finally my last test day is February 25th. By then I should know more about what is wrong inside my body at my age. The one place we should ask questions is in the doctor's office and I do all the time. I want to know early on about any problems that I may have and they can correct.


So, I'm still working on getting better and stronger by knowing what is happening inside my body especially when I was having colonocpty every ten years now I'm told I need one every five years so nothing gets to a stage four before it's detected way to late. When you already got prostate problems you don't take chances with your health.


I may have taken many drugs since my stroke ten years ago and still on several daily now. So I just want to do the right things for my body. Then as we age so many things change with the human body. If I can I want to insure my health is OK! What else we got to live for? Staying healthy is our key to longevity. Eating the right foods helps and not having many bad habits is even better! I never did smoke but did drank miller lite beer at Poker games I hosted at my house along with the food.


Now we are taking pain meds daily and others our doctors prescribe for our health sake! It feels good to know you are healthy!


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I know what you mean Fred, I just got good news yesterday from one doctor and off to another tomorrow to make sure! Funny Ray is doing great right now and all his doctor visits are a lot farther apart, but that doesn't mean let your guard down by any means. You sound a lot better though, I can tell just from reading what you wrote here.

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you do sound good fred and I am happy for you. I myself am due for a colonoscopy and have been putting it off. I'm not convinced that colon cancer doesn't beat the expected outcome of cerebral small vessel disease(lol) and am still undecided. best wishes to you fred and to that wonderful woman that you married.



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