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WHOA -- bad toe and foot pain



my poor Dan woke last night with the worst type of nueropathic pain centered in his foot/toes of his affected leg..... rubbed it, warmed ( with a heating pad) - in the end it took 15 mg of valium and 10 mg of oxycodone and 600 mg of gabepentin to knock it or him out.... and he was asking for more pain meds ( and he hates pills ) ... boy oh boy - he writhed in pain from 0330 to about 0700 .... i knew we would enter this stage of after affects of stroke - he has always had the nueropathic generalized issues but this was so specific ......... owieee... we had a pretty great day yesterday - visited at a friends house ( his wife had a stroke) and he was just so happy we stayed for 8 hours a true record - usually he just wants to go home - but they made him feel so welcome and comfortable.... having another stroke commiserator "who gets it" is so valuable to dan ( and me) .. although his wife does not have near the residual effects in terms of cognition. So i get to hear from her how she feels about "life" in general. sadly they are moving to a warmer climate soon - end of february- ..... probably to AZ - depending on where in AZ Sarah might get a very valuable resourse -- although sarah from AZ has got it "down" ...... little update about our latest issue ( as if there is never a issue lol).... nancyl


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It's always one step forward and two back, isn't it. I feel so bad for you, I was up last night with Ray too because he couldn't go to sleep and he seemed weird. But this morning I found his mirtzipine pill on the floor and the moment passed. But I feel your tiredness. Can't wait to hit the sack tonight.

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Sure hope he gets some rest tonight and you too Nancy! I remember when Mike had all that neuropathic pain. He would literaly cry from it and no med seemed to touch it. Don't want to go through that again! His has seemed to have subsided for the most part but sometimes he does have his moments.

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Nancy: so sorry. We have talked about this. You have the meds ordered if needed and you have to use them. And just Pray! that they work. Get him into bed, where he is safe and just hope he gets some relief and some sleep. You don't sleep. You may doze.


Go easy. You did great. It takes what it takes. Try to get some rest. Debbie

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Guest lwisman


Sorry to hear about Dan's pain problem in his feet.


I also have problems with foot pain. I have found a few things helpful. I have a inexpensive foot massager. It is heated and claims to use foot points. It does give your feet a massage and heat. I find that using it for 20 minutes or so makes a difference. I also have an air tub (similar to a jet tub). Spending 20 minutes with the jets on my feet helps.


Another option is acupuncture which I have also found helpful. You might also consider shiatsu massage. In both of these situation be sure to do research first.

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