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Hours In Doctor's Offices Testing



I been tested every where with one more to go later still no answers. Wait and see is the word for this week meanwhile I'm not resting at all. I hope to know more by the end of this month! Right now most of the bad bacteria is gone and replaced with the good stuff they said.


I should know more later!


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Fred: I am so sorry. I do hope you get some answers soon. Great news on the infection clearing. Now you have to concentrate on rest, even if you don't nap. Find something mindless to relax you, read. Even just sit outside with the little puppy. Go easy. Always in my thoughts and prayers. Debbie

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Fred, sorry you still feel bad and hope that all works out for you really soon! I know how it is to have something wrong and they can't find out the problem! Hope you get some rest soon. My prayers are for you!

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