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It truly was a lovely service until......



Well it started out as a celebration of a selfless and beautiful woman's departure into heaven. This particular person had been a godsend in our lives after my stroke and continued to be even when she was battling cancer. Even though we were sadden by the day we were reminded of all the lovely attributes she had imprinted to the many lives she touched. My husband and I were driving back to my house and I started to experience a flutter in my chest that I've had before and never thought much about it in the past for it usually stopped by itself. I've had this as well as my parents in the past and it would only happen like once ever blue moon. This time was different.


My husband got a bunch of guff for not taking me to the ER but in his defense, I told him no for he has been there with me when it would stop on its own. We returned to my parents and I still could not catch my breath to calm down. My mother, the 'ex-nurse' (sidebar I laugh for its like once and Marine always a Marine ) had asked me 'Are you sure you don't want to go to the ER?' With a mothers glare, how can you say no. So after a total of 30+ minutes like this and not able to walk 20 feet without stopping 4 times we made it in the hospital. All I was able to get out of my mouth was 'heart.... stroke..' I was rushed back ASAP . I was found to have a pulse of 250 and the fact of having a bunch of staff surrounding my bed was reminiscent of when I was having a stroke. That probably exacerbated the rate too.


I was administered two doses of a liquid that as a nurse told me 'basically punches my heart in the face to act right'. Well it worked. I was then monitored for 24 hours since I was a history of stroke. As a precaution, I was giving Heparin shots in my belly. Now it looks like I was covered in grape jelly. I was told that my heart has two circuits that are both slow when one of them should be fast. It just needs to a watched. Heart issues do run in the family and one major thing I have to give up is chocolate.... Oh the humanity


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I think you will find that is all forms of caffeine you have to give up...so sorry for you. This is serious though Kelli so I guess it will be another lifestyle change. Got to think "all's well that ends well" though.

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i agree -- oh ! the(IN) humanity -- no chocolate...... glad your doing better,glad you got the heparin shots - believe me someone was thinking........TAKE CARE !!!!

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