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Wild and crazy weekend - LOL



Family came in last weekend for Izabella's fourth birthday party. Liz is on break from College, so everyone was so happy to see her. She will be going off to California come graduation in May for a much needed break. She will be staying with Mary Beth's best friend and right in the heart of the part of the country where her love - Nutrition - is most celebrated. Mary and I were thinking we may not get her back - LOL.


Mary Beth is in the middle of that 21-day start up exercise-diet routine and Liz is Lactose and Gluten-free, so there were some menu issues I had to deal with. Of course, woke up Thursday morning with sore throat and cough. Kinda expected it to happen with the 2 1/2 weeks previous. But I fought through it. It was cold, but sunny and Bruce was so excited to get out and get some special things for them. We have been tasting Connecticut wines and wanted to get some new choices.


By Friday night I was into a really good cold and Mary Beth arrived the same way. We hunkered down with comfy pjs, afghans and nice hot toddies. Still a nice catch up night. It has been a while. Saturday, Melissa and Liz came in from PA, Liz is sick. They all did go down to Milford for the birthday celebration. I opted to stay home with Bruce and just sleep, then get dinner going. We all ended up in comfy clothes, with dishes of food and a glass of wine, then decongestants, boxes of tissues, water bottles and bed - LOL. Hot time in North Haven, to be sure! Everyone hit the road early Sunday. Just anxious to get home into their own beds, I am sure.


Been a very cold week and I am just happy to do a few hours at work and then get home to some rest. I did get Bruce out yesterday for a short grocery run and a ride. He is so pale and I am thinking this cold is starting for him just as I am finally winding down. Warming trend to start tomorrow and I do have some errands planned through the weekend so we get out all three days, but we shall see. I did schedule Erma for two days again next week and then, just maybe, we will be back on a normal routine.


I am starting to work on problem solving with Bruce. I am going to Las Vegas in a year and a half to celebrate Melissa's 21st birthday. I am pretty sure I will have to put Bruce in respite for three days. I am comfortable in doing that, Bruce won't be, of course. But I told him I am willing to work with him every single day on things that he needs to be able to do himself with a caregiver here in the house for some hours. If it jump-starts the critical thinking, even without being able to stay home, it will be worth it. So I will be posting over the next few months about directions we should be going in.


We have been talking about this. Bruce understands how long recovery takes in stroke rehab. He knows there are no days off. If he truly wants this, he will have to set his mind to doing it every single day. Yes, I am right there with him, but I will not be the enforcer. I am the coach. Obviously it is easier for me just to put him in SNF. So he has to show me he wants it.


Bruce's stroke anniversary is coming up soon. We were talking in Chat about how close the anniversaries are for so many of us. Today was the fifth anniversary of Bruce asking me to marry him - LOL. Good weekend all and hopefully Spring is on the horizon. Daylight Savings time - that is a plus. Debbie


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i read you blog title and thought of the old SNL skits ( two wild and crazy guys) and giggled a little ...you, as always have a plan and a goal... nancyl

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Nancy, I was thinking the same thing. I think Steve Martin used this too.


Debbie, you have had some wild and crazy times this winter. Hope things calm to "nice and easy times".



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Debbie, sorry the bug got into your family time, I hope Bruce is not coming down for real. Hey, Bob did have his 2 year anniversary Feb 29 (Mar 1) - so he is another close one.

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