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Off On Short Casino Trip



WELL nothing else to get into I thought a casino would be a good bet! You never know when it's your time to get lucky and I feel it's my time since the lottery is not paying off! I don't play big I play small and move from machine to another one that pays off often. That's the good thing by being on my scooter I can move in a heart beat.


It works for me and sometimes I will watch other people play a machine until they are very tired and have fed it for a Iong time without winning.


So off I go with the wife!!!!!


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oh fred i hope that you win lots you certainly desearve it fred but just remember if you hit it rich big time its time to go now good luck my friend and go red sov

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Fred enjoy, hope you come back with some winnings. I went with a friend who paid for the trip we went to Hard Rock Hotel in Tampa Florida, for two days. I had no luck, like people watching. Soon I went upstairs and enjoyed the room. My friend did very well! While we was waiting for our car so we could leave, a guy who was not happy at all, began shouting and cursing at the staff, because he losted $30,000, and felt that the staff should have stopped him from losing that much! Now he never mention that he was drunk, so who's fault was it?


People! Have a good time Fred, be safe



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Fred: have a terrific time. A wonderful idea to get away for some fun after the winter you had. Enjoy! and of course, Good Luck. Debbie

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I'm back, we made it home around 6pm yesterday, had a good time playing the machines and winning a few dollars to make the trip fun for us. I think some kind of a get-a-away is good for your morale.

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