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5th Anniversary



Today was the fifth anniversary of Bruce's stroke. He has been asking about it pretty much all month. Fortunately he only remembers the date. He does have some memories of the Rehab, but that is about it.


I always check the weather report on Sunday, to plan our week. And today was to be (and was) the best day of the week, so I got all our chores done during the week to free today up. 56 degrees, clouds and sun; some spotty showers, but nothing to hold us back.


I had left a list of the errands we needed to do and told Bruce to go ahead and add anything he wanted to do. I pretty much knew he would have trouble with that, so I suggested birthday gift shopping for one of his dearest friends. We went off to Bruce's favorite - Pier One. They are so great to us there. Bruce can't get down all the aisles in the WC, of course - too tight. But they bring things to him to look at. Bruce picked out two wrought iron and glass globes that hold tea lights. He knows she has a new deck, but also the screen porch. Since Bruce is usually restricted to their front patio, I am thinking she will use them there or on the front steps, so Bruce can see them.


Then we were off to late breakfast and a long ride to our favorite farm market. We did pick up dinner, so an easy day for me and easier to just concentrate on fun and fresh air. Bruce was a real trooper. Without Botox now for six months, he is really tight. The extra Baclofen doesn't help at all. He won't stick to an exercise routine. But we see the Physiatrist on Monday and I think I will ask for this year's PT-OT allowance. I can't give up. If we get to the point where I can't get his foot in and out of the truck, we are house-bound or reduced to drive-thrus. That is not acceptable.


Just as we arrived home, the husband of the dear friend arrived. Bob and Bruce were roommates at Brown. When Bruce got the teaching job here in North Haven, he arrived during the blizzard of 1978 to stay with Bob. Both were holed up for a week before their new teaching jobs started. Had a great visit with Bob. He knew it was the anniversary of Bruce's stroke and made it a point to stop over.


Mary Beth called first thing. She was here with the girls that weekend. We were celebrating Liz's birthday. Bruce stroked the 22nd, Liz's birthday is the 23rd. We can't give that back to her - we are her Godparents as well as Aunt and Uncle. But she still has her beloved Uncle Bruce and for that she is thankful. Also Uncle Bruce will hopefully be able to go to her college graduation in May. Both of them are thrilled about that.


Needless to say, Bruce had a good hour nap-he earned that-LOL. Tomorrow back to normal routine and a busy week on deck. Back to frigid cold. Spring will get here when she decides. The birds on the bird feeders remind me of that every day. Keeps my spirits up. Debbie


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I'm glad to hear what a lovely day you had to enjoy Bruce's 5 year survival anniversary!


I'm wondering... you know how you have a calf spasm and stand to make it go straight? His therapists always said the same kinda thing, that putting weight thru a body part normalizes the spacticity.

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Debbie :


Happy Anniversary to Bruce and you.I know looking back you realize wow how far you both have come from those initial days.



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congrats to you and Bruce --- we are all swimming in a lot of chaos - but together you and bruce and bruce make it work…… smiles and hugs !!! nancyl

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Happy anniversary to Bruce and to you Debbie! Five years probably seem like ten waiting on more time to pass by. I know my ten years as a stroke survivor feels like twice as much to me. I guess the thing is we can't feel the improvements in our body while we still hurt all over and one side is still very much paralised to the feel.


At this rate I will probably still feel the same way should I be blessed to make it to 20 years as a survivor!

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