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finally a good doctor appointment



Today I went back to my family doctor. I have been going to him since I was in 3rd grade but I had not been to him for about 2 years while I had moved away. I usually dont like him. He always seemed kind of slow to me and I never trusted him I guess because for the longest he diagnosed me with everything he could think of accept seizures and ever suggested a brain scan. It took me having the grand mal and being transported to UNC to finally find out what was going on.


So yeah I was not really looking forward to seeing him but I woke up this morning and said today was going to be a wonderful day and it was. My appointment with him was like a breath of fresh air. My dad paid my brother to chauffeur me around today and my doctor filled out my forms to ride the disabled van here so I shouldnt have any transportation issues if my license gets suspended. Anyway it was just so refreshing talking to him. I explained the change in seizures to him and he too said that the seizures I have been having lately sound like keppra seizures. Who knew too much medicine could cause more seizures? Go figure.

He also agreed that I should not even think about Abilify and he told me I probably don't need xanax if Im taking the klonapin twice a day now because xanax and klonapin are in the same medicine group but klonapin is also anti-seizure.


Lastly I told him I was scared to go back to the surgery doctor because he wants to put me to sleep and look up my butt to see whats causing the constipation even though I've changed my diet. Im scared to be put to sleep because I dont want to have another seizure and I remember almost having a seizure in November 2012 when I got a suprascapular injection in my shoulder which is the day the seizures started. Well my doctor today agreed that I probably dont need to be put to sleep, Im probably only constipated again since I started the iron pill, and I would be better off taking a fiber supplement than the lactulose laxative and amitiza the surgeon prescribed.


So today was a success. I finally had a more productive doctor appointment and didnt leave with a bunch of prescriptions and questions


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Very cool Sweetheart!! Sounds like he knows your medical history, what he's doing, and what's best for you. I'm very happy for you. I hope this gives you some well deserved peace of mind.


Keep smiling honey, all good things are coming.


Love ya,



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Great new! It is wonderful to hear good new, and you feeling on top of the world. It helps when you have a doctor that listens to you, and does not start writing out meds before you even sat down!


See goood times are comming, just got to have faith!



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I'm glad to hear you are getting the transportation system working for you and that you got good understanding with your doctor :) Hey.... you probably know this, but when you eat a high fiber diet (or take any fiber) you have to drink LOADS of water. Otherwise it hardens inside you just like the leftovers turn to 'cement' on the side of the cereal bowl if you don't wash your dish right away. Happened to my son, who used to eat granola cereal for breakfast, but not much on drinking water. At the time I didn't know about needing so much water with high fiber, or it wouldn't have happened. I'd made sure he drank a whole glass of water with it, or choose another cereal!

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Katrina :


taking iron alone causes constipation so doctor usually suggest to take magnesium with it. I am glad your doctor agrees with your research. usually informed patient is better advocate for his care.



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