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Just to tell you what is going on in my Life



I have been trying to write this blog for over two months. My computer that was my daughters, went to computer heaven, and it took my a while to go and get a new one. During this time, my husband's nephew got killed! The new was shocking and hurt. The furneral was down in Delray beach which is about 3hours away from us. What was great the whole family came together, but you know there are always one in the family that act like they are the only ones hurting! He was only 32years old, what time did he have to make memories? I remember him when he attended Summer camp that I worked at before I met his Uncle who is now my husband.

So we stayed for the weekend, got home and one of my Mom's sister called and she sounded "sad", and this aunt is always full of life, telling me to think postive, thank God for waking you up. Now she was talking about been in pain and wanting to see my Mother. So after the phone call I called my sister in England and told her let see if Mom and Dad can travel. Two days, sis told me the doctors said yes the good weather would do them good (I live in Florida), and for Mom to see her sisters may help her. Mom has the begining of Alzheimers, she is on meds, so they flew in . It was great to see them, hard work, but I enjoyed it. My daughter and myself made sure that meds were taken. Dad is no problem, but Mom , oh dear! She would get so mad at us, this is a nurse, who never swore, she would say "bloodly" and get so upsett, now! she swears like a salior! and get so mad!. We know it was the sickness, and I said I am not spenting the time fighting with her.

We haded a great time with her sisters we went for two weeks, and for me it was great with them all together and talking about the times when they were young, everyone was over 80years and my Aunt who is 93yrs was the sharp one. Mom was mean to my Dad, and I saw that she as got worse from last year I was with her. Any way we went home to my daughter they were staying with her. We went for walks, bus rides, flea markets, yet Mom would just ask every day when was she going to see her sisters! Life! here was a wonderful lady, who was a wonderful nurse, who travelled around the world with her church, always helping people. Now she remember nothing, and she got so mean! Broke my heart! So they spend four weeks, went too quick, I also saw that you are "Once an adult and twice a child".


Got a phone call Mom will not take her meds, so her blood pressure is sky high, so they are sending in a nurse to see she takes the med, and get her washed and eating right. I know I soon be on a plane, I dont want my sister who lives with them think she is doing it all by her self. My other sister is great, but she lives about 35 miles away and have a son who is still in school, and my brothers, are okay but do need to set up.

That is it, take care everyone love your Parents because they are only here for a while




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Yvonne, it is so sad to see someone you love and admire and look up to deteriorate in this way. I watched my Mum for over 14 years as she turned from a bright, intelligent lady into a bed ridden empyt vessel. It is all so sad. Dementia of any kind reduces the person to a shell of what they once were . BUT the person is still there somewhere, needs to be treated with respect, care and love. Don't know how it can be done but somehow we manage to do it.


I looked after my Mum at home for two years along with Ray and then she was in a Dementia Lodge for 8 1/2 years and a nursing home for the rest and that was so sad. She was mean too and I was a masss of bruises, but rather me than someone who couldn't cope with it. I loved her right to the end.


Thanks for the update, I can see you have been so busy with life and that in itself is a good thing. You can take some credit for making sure that your Dad is okay and that he has the support he needs even when you are not there in person. And as a person whose sister did not support during the care time thank you that you are supporting our sister as well.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Yvonne, my heart goes out to you in trying to help with your mother. It must be so sad to see her in the stage she is in which is due to her health condition.

I wish you the best in helping your family get through this trying time.



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Yvonne --- so sad, - i am so sorry --- alzheimers is such a mean , mean disease…. you are a wonderful sister - remembering your sister and making sure she is not doing it alone… good job, --- you have seen both sides of caregiving and are so caring….. big hug and a smile !!!! nancyl

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a tough story Yvonne. no solution. it will go on and we will suffer being either the affected one or the his/her friends. we have such a strong desire of continuing to live that suicide is not an option for us.

by kind wishes for you and your family in this most difficult time.



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