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strange happenings



Something really strange happened. For the last three days I have not been able to make national calls or information calls on 1300 numbers. I notified my provider on Tuesday but the person who works on that was away. She called me back today to say someone tried to hijack my line! She said she would be able to have it all back the way it was by tomorrow and I would not be charged for the last three days calls, so I am guessing that there were some. I have never heard of this before so was pleased my provider was on the ball and sorted it all out. I was lucky it didn't affect my internet or I really would have been cross.


I have been doing more paperwork, this time for a police clearance for working with children. Sadly due to so many child abuse cases going through the courts we all have to go through this now. Finished my clearance today and I will have the certification back within three working days. Another hurdle overcome. This time it will also include working with the elderly so I will go to the places where I do home communions and show it and that will make me current for three years. So complicated to do any of this now. I did enjoy the visit to the police station though as the desk sergeant had been posted close to Broken Hill where my younger son and family are so we had a good talk and a laugh about some of his stories of his time there.


I didn't get to chat on Tuesday night as I got a phone call from the school my youngest grandson goes to to ask me to pick him up as he had been sick in his classroom. I thought my daughter-in-law would only be doing her shopping or something locally but drove the 40 minutes over there and arrived to find him a bit brighter. Took him back to his house where no-one was home and all the doors locked. Decided to wait a while as he was snuggled under a rug and feeling okay. When I decided it was time to take him home we passed his Mum at the end of the street so were able to go back and tell her what had happened. She had dropped and broken her mobile phone so that is why she didn't answer!


I was supposed to go to a funeral tomorrow but can't get public transport there and back. It was a cousin of Ray's who he was very close to in our younger days. I am sorry I can't get there as it would be good to catch up with that part of his family. I know it is not possible to do everything but now I am "free" I think I should in some ways be able to make amends for all the funerals and family occasions we had to miss because of Ray's health. But three days notice is not really enough to get to an out of the way town five hours drive away and back home again for the commitments I have on the weekend.


Just about all of those from our Club who went to Adelaide are back again with their own tales to tell. As we age we enjoy the reminiscing and recalling of old memories so reunions and association meetings allow that to happen. I guess for me memories of Ray and I together at such meetings both cloud and brighten my memories of him, cloud as others do not have the same memories but brighten as they share what they remember of him. One man at the convention said: "Remember when I tipped Ray out of the wheelchair at Moree?" and I did and the way a whole lot of men hurried over and had him right way up in no time. Good memories, ones that make me laugh, are so sweet to me now. I need to remember the good times, not the bad times and others who shared them can help me to do that.


Winter is approaching but I feel I am not as likely to feel isolated this year. I am determined to make an effort to get out and about. Health permitting of course as already colds and flu are around in the general community. All in all I am thankful for what I have, food on the table, a roof over my head and the support of wonderful people near and far.


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Sue :


thanks for your update.It feels great to see life goes on with its own good & bad things. I am glad you are creating new place for yourself. I feel when we step out in the world good things happen, when we step out of our comfort zone we grow, and who knows what will come out of it




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Sounds like you will have your hands full working with kids but if anyone can do that job it's you!! I'm stuck with the little dog during the days my grand daughter is in school so wish I could have a break but that's not happening until around June when school is out for the summer!!!!

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Sue: first off, glad Oliver is well. Those phone calls are the worst until you can get there and actually see the child. Pamela must have been so pleased you were able to help out and Oliver was in good hands.


Good news on your new certification. New directions, roads untraveled but will give you access to some things you may not have considered! I do not envy you your winter, that is for sure, but sounds like you have some new projects to consider.


Of course we missed you in Chat, but looking forward to next week! Debbie

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Sue, that is strange regarding the phone hijack. I'm glad you got everything corrected and all is well.


It sounds like you have a lot of new things now to keep you busy.


Take care,


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Sue, please that grandson was okay, it is always a worry to get a phone call like that. Please you are getting new certification, it is good to have some thing to look forward too. I am please that even with Winter comming , you be busy, that is great News.



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ohboy sue you are very busyi am so glad you were able to get some help with your strange happeningand knowing you sue as dedicating that you are you will get your crertificate just keep up the great work and keep on blogging


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