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The big 70 celebration and more



We have been busy the last few months with doctor appts., therapies and tests. Larry had his TUMT which really took a lot out of him. This was his office procedure for his englarged prostate. It did not go as well as we thought and we are now going to a new urologist. He then had therapy from a new "swallowing therapist" and I believe that has helped him a little more, and it also gave us a more definitive diagnosis. I have notice lately that he is swallowing better without coughing or spitting out food. So that is good. I also have him going to physical therapy again. He has not fallen for a year but his left leg is weak and he continues to ask me for help. We were able to get the same therapist and she makes him work hard. When he says "I can't" she says "yes you can". and he does it.


This weekend was a highlight for us in our normal uneventful days. My daughter and her boyfriend came in from Michigan. Friday we decided to go to the Missouri Botanical Gardens worrying over the weather first. We lucked out with the rain, but the humidty was bad. Tina's friend had not seen the gardens and it was enjoyable to show him the Highlights. You can spend a day there but we tuckered out after about 3 /12 hours. We had missed the spring flowers this year due to rain. The lotus blossoms on the pond in the Japanese Garden were beautiful. They were a pretty iridescent pink. Tina and friend kept stopping to take photos but Larry and I headed for the AC in the entrance building. He was not sweating but I was dripping. After he got home, the rain came again. So, we lucked out and had a nice time.


Larry turned 70 on the 24th and I am not too far behind him next month. I tease him that he is so much older. It was to be a surprise but it got leaked. I was glad in a way as I don't like surprises and it takes a lot, as all caregivers know, to get their spouses ready for an outing. This was a party for both of us, by the way. Larry even ate some grilled steak cut up. I have to remind him to eat in a crowd as he stops to listen to others and does not eat. I tap his plate but he doesn't like it. After about 15 min., I was listening myself to someone's conversation and he tapped my plate with his fork. lol Everyone looked up and started laughing, and Larry laughed with them. I said "I guess I have been told". It was so nice to see that smile and see him laugh! Very rare.


My daughter and her boyfriend went back to Michigan this a.m. They had an early morning flight and my son took them to the airport. I guess that is one advantage of my situation as I could not get Larry up that early to take them .


This week is another busy week with dentist appointments and therapy.


Happy 4th of July!




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Happy Birthday to Larry, glad the visit went well and yes, good luck with predicting the weather wherever you are on the planet. I understand about the limitations with things like driving someone to the airport but if you have someone to step in that is fine. After all it is no good looking for help and then not using it when you have the need. I took a long time to learn that lesson myself.


And let us know which Chat day you want as Julie's Birthday Surprise Party...lol.

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Happy Birthday to Larry. Julie - sounds like a perfect celebration. I know the prep was tough and glad Tina and Louis were there to help out. Was thinking about you both all day. Debbie

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Bob is finally strong enough that we can 'revisit' the prostrate problem we had just started into 6 months before his stroke in 2012. I'm calling tomorrow to see if I can get him in. Very worried about his 7.6 psa and also his urine albumin of 4.

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It's good to hear from you and Larry plus you had a great time with daughter and her friend... Happy birthday to Larry and no falls lately... He is taking PT again but you can still help him exercise his weak leg nights, mornings or both!! My wife does it for my leg at night because most mornings she is trying to get ready for work except on her late week she goes in at 10 am!!

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Happy birthday to Larry, and please that both of you had a great time. The gardens sound like they are lovely to look at, reading I remember Kew Gardens in London, England, none here in Kissimmee, only Disney garden and that is wonderful to look at.


Have a good July 4



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