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no cancer!



did the barium swallow today. I thought it a little unlikely that I might have esophageal cancer. but since the outcome is entirely grim I was very concerned. the equipment at out regional hospital was really quite good. but the first thing they did was take a number of chest exrays and then redid some of them. Debbie then told me she was taking them to dr. neal to see what barium studies needed to be done. I of course figured that she had seen tumors in the x ray and if so why continue. she was gone about10 min. a very long 10 min. for david. and when she came back I asked here if she had seen tumors and she said no she simply wanted to find the tests that dr. neal would suggest. it was ok after that and in fact he could see nothing in the tests that suggested any abnormal swallowing difficulty.


I do note that this afternoon I am swallowing much easier would you believe! I am clearly my own worst enemy. but I can only give much thanks to the one who controls the strings of this universe that things turned out as they did!


thank you all very much for your comments on my previous post.




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David: well done! So happy for your outcome and such a relief. Thank you for letting us know. Now maybe a little Speech Therapy is in order?


Great news - Debbie

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David :


I am so glad every thing is alright with you and you can see mind has so much power over our body so positive thoughts is way to go



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No Cancer is always good news no matter what!! Prayers have been answered for sure David!!!


The swallowing is also a good thing, you got to eat!!!!!

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great news david. swallowing is a big deficit post stroke that so many survivors have to deal with, luckily i did not have a problem. hopefully speech therapy can really help you at this point.

good luck and god bless. take good care of yourself and be well.

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