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as we know our loved ones control things - now that are just plain out weird… todays special ?

Pie -- but first a game of charades.. Today Dan is not talking , why - I have no idea…. but we all had to play the game of guess what a triangle thing is…. i finally called beth to interpret - Pie - so a trip to perkins for banana cream pie…. on the plus side he shared with weston - although he acted like he wouldn't, when i peeked in dan was sharing -- i quietly stepped away before Dan got caught being "nice"… but even weston says - "umpas is not talking today " as weston ages , his perceptions will change.. and soon no relationship will exist - i mean what little kid wants a crabby one-sided relationship? and what kind of dysfunctional life lesson is that ?? keep coming back for more of the guy who isn't particularly nice to you…. big thoughts --- but it is what it is… and weston will constantly be coached on grandpa's behavior …. nancyl


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Most of my grandchildren only know Ray as "Pa in the wheelchair". I think Christopher and Tori (14 and 13) probably remember him walking I don't think the younger ones would. Alice will only know he held her from the one precious photo we took of them together in August 2012. We have stories that begin: "Before Pa had the strokes" or "When we came to your place on the plane" and many many of those that I hope will keep Ray in their memories.These are told by the parents and by me. I think we have to maximise the good memories and minamise the bad ones if we can.

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Dan isn't the grandfather you wanted for Weston but he is the grandfather Weston has...for better or worse. Weston and Dan will have a relationship and since this is the only Dan Weston has ever known he will likely just accept Dan's grumpiness as the norm. My step father is that way--a real grouch. And when Jayden and Colby come over he is gruff with them. They know that's just him and why I'll never know, but he's their favorite. Colby wouldn't speak to me all afternoon once because I teasingly called him old!

Nancy, don't worry and leave tomorrow up to the fortune tellers. The future rarely ends up looking like we think it will.

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Jamie :


you nailed it you are such a wise lady. you put my worries about my grandchildren not knowing me prestroke put to rest thanks.



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I'm gonna fall in the kinda grumpy grandpa category. Some because I struggle with the common sense stuff. Like striking up a conversation or saying any type of greeting. Of course my better half always keeps me in line. I guess I never really was a softie. I do tell my family I love them and I do try to create those perfect memories. Just sometimes other thought processes get in the way. I'm a little rough around the edges but my family is ok with that. Kaelyn is 8 and was only one when I had my stroke. Born on my birthday. Now that is something special. And Jemma is 3. She is our little miracle as she was born weighing less then 3 pounds. When my son asks her "How does Papa go" she say's "Grrr" I'm ok with that. And everyone's situation is different. We try to plan numerous family outings every year and just do stuff with the granddaughters. So even a grumpy grandfather still has a shot. : )

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Jamie well said. Kids are wonderful, and they are so open. I passed out with my grandkid's crying over me, for a while my grand daughter would not come near me! my grand son he would just say "Grandma you not going to fell down are you again", then he would joke about the way I walked, and speak. After four years, they just see me as Grandma, who gets a little impaient and can not move the way she used too, does not drive, but with Grandpa takes them on the bus which they love. When we go out they love the fact that they have to keep an eye on me. They are 9yrs and 7yrs and they love Grandma.



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You know, Weston may fool you and get to know Dan better in his condition and understand him and what he says most of the time... I think he is too young right now to know what Dan suffers from or with but will love him as his grand Pa nevertheless because he is a boy grand child!!!


Just my thoughts!!!

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