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This is crazy!



I need to blog this because I am still trying to figure out what just happened - LOL.


With Kira's passing last week, Bruce and I concentrated on quiet time, just for us. Wednesday was his PT, so I was home. We did some errands - picking up some of the specialty batteries for his Freedom Alert, bank and a nice long ride. Thursday Erma was here and the deck stainers later, so it was home, but we had a nice dinner and enjoyed the boys at work. Friday was Bruce's first day alone, without Kira. We had some gift cards, went out to dinner - a rare event here and invited Bob as a thank you for Tuesday. We had a wonderful time, long way home and Bruce did sleep in a bit on Saturday.


Saturday we went to the beach for lunch. Something we haven't done in a long time. Sunday: grocery shop of course, Bruce treated me to breakfast and we donated some of Kira's stuff to our local no-kill shelter. We volunteer there at times, but I did pick up a tick which fortunately I found before any trouble. We ran into a small Car show and stopped and the local Farm Market.


Today was thundershowers all day and of course, I knew that and planned at home chores. After nap we paid bills, Bruce Estimmed, mail and laundry. I had made a bunch of phone calls - the longest one to get Bruce is new WC pad - that took an hour and no cushion - LOL. At that point, someone took the Sparks' shack and turned it upside down.


The kitchen clock fell off the wall. With the new paint, I had tried those non-stick hooks from 3M. When it landed, it disconnected the Freedom Alert. Now that is OK, except the Freedom Alert is announcing "on battery power" every 5 seconds! That baby was headed out the window - LOL. The Freedom Alert pulled the electrical plate off the wall. OK, am dealing with that. Got the Freedom Alert plugged into another outlet and finally accepted I will have to put a nail in the wall for the clock. The 3M hook ripped off the paint anyway. I am up on a ladder hammering in the nail, when Bruce calls from the Dining Room. The lift-down cover to the Secretary came off its hinges and was on Bruce. At that the phone rings. The phone is Bruce's PT appointment for this week, so let that go to message. Free Bruce. Finish nailing in the nail and remount the clock. Find a new screw for the Secretary hinge and get that screwed in.


Phone rings: snow removal guy and he is on his way to give us the quote. Then the Nurse from the KAFO study I was trying to get Bruce into. Study has been moved to Providence, RI. The VA there. Apparently there are a lot of Vets who qualify and that is a good thing. I personally think Bruce needs to be in a long leg brace and this is for some new ones that are available now, but you have to commit to 15 weeks and I can't see getting Bruce up there every week for that long. Phone rings: Bruce's Physiatrist - are his labs available yet? I had told her next week after we see the PCP, but guess she got the dates wrong. Snow Removal guy shows up and does a walk around with neighbor Gloria and I. Phone rings: Contractor - the ramp for the deck is ready to be installed. Bruce calls again - batteries to the Estim need replacing and his Water Pik needs recharging.


Two hours later, no dinner prepped and I am pouring a glass of wine! LOL. And I am super organized, or so I thought! I am so thankful Erma will be here tomorrow. Crazy house. Debbie


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Definitely had those crazy days when I was a full-time caregiver. It is like landing in the middle of a tornado. But you nailed it, in more ways than one. So lots of little interruptions to life as you know it and a nice glass of wine at the end of the day. Not so bad really....lol.

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Ha!!!! as you were describing this i kept thinking about the parting of the sea--- at the casino we all met up at last year… you made my day , sorry to get a laugh at your expense …. but the vision was just awesome and through it all we caregivers somehow survive, by that I am amazed …. nancyl

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Well, who needed that Freedom Alert more than you today? lol It sounds like you needed help from every direction.


You should see the tiny nail I have holding up my pathetic kitchen clock. I was thinking of using those 3M thingys but changed my mind after reading this.


The batteries for the Freedom Alert can be recharged in the machine. ?


We had thunder storms last night also. Cold wave coming in from Canada tomorrow and it will be in the 50's Tues and Wed. night!


Always something to go wrong tho here too.



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Debbie :


wow your balancing act is amazing. I got tired & confused seeing so many balls up in air. post stroke I need

concrete things can't function well with too many balls up in the air, its one thing at a time for me



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Today was more of the same and we had Bruce's friends from work coming for a visit. We have not seen the girls in over six months, so it was truly important to Bruce. But again, got through it. I get him to PT tomorrow and then it is home and Debbie to nap!


Did enjoy the wine - LOL! Thanks everyone

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Murphy's law?? lol Glad you survived it all...........when you ask how much more your shoulders can take, you'll always get an answer and one more thing to deal with..... grin and bear (or bare it)......or have a glass of wine, whatever works best for you! lol

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Debby, we must be on the same path. Seems like it is just bump, bump, bump and splat! Hang in there, it is so busy here. August 1 Bob's good insurance ends and we will not be going to therapy 2ce a week anymore. I think we will go once a week, but am not absolutely sure of anything till I get my policy. I feel the same you feel, like there are way too many things that one person (caregiver) can possibly keep up with. I also hope to be able to do the dishes when we are not falling down from exhaustion from running to therapy. That seems like a modest goal.. but.... one usually lost on all other important things.... again eating out too much to survive. I feel the same whirlwind you are feeling, so maybe we are twister sisters, ha,ha.

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