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is it nature or nurture



I always wonder about how kids turn out to be, is it nature versus nurture. Some days while raising our only child I feel its nature nothing we can do will make him change his ways like procrastination or not being organized lol and arguing that ofcourse I blame hubby's genes.& on some good days when he comes out & does right things which are making right choices like studying for his tests & acing in them when he studies for it. that also I feel is his nature nothing we have done to that.I never feel you can take credit or blame for any of your kids actions. As a parent you do your best then its their choices & consequences. I just pray that its not major mistakes which can change their life path significantly. I was so shocked to find out that in his sleepaway camps there were lot of kids who were doing alcohol & drugs, and offering to other kids. I am glad kido is smart enough to know how to stay away from bad elements. it is funny how his disorganized room & clothes everywhere but in laundry hamper used to get me so mad & when he was in the camp those were the things I missed lol. Now he is back & I feel my life complete.




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