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i had another dream but thats not all



Lastnight I remember I had a dream I used my weak hand to peel a banana and as I was telling my dad about it I started to wiggle my index finger for the first time. It was a wonderful dream. Unfortunately I did not have good sleep. I said i was going to be positive so I did not blog yesterday when I felt like I just wanted to die.


On Wednesday, I had more panic attacks than I can count. I couldnt even think straight. I even had one sitting in class at church, But I was still thankful that night because I made it to church and back home safe and did not have a panic attack trying to get in my apartment like the Wednesday before. Friday was amazing because it was the first weekday I can remember in 2 months that I did not have any anxiety or panic attacks. I did some of the very same things I've done before on Fridays and went to the same places I've had attacks at before. So when I got ready for bed I was just so thankful I got a break. I used to keep track of the days i had attacks but since they started happening so much I just started to keep track of days I don't have attacks.


I have been praying so much and giving thanks so much so I really believed Friday was going to be the beginning of no more attacks. Unfortunately yesterday (Sunday) was a repeat of Wednesday. I had more attacks than I can remember including one in church except there was no happy ending. I had them all night too. Its like I would sleep for a little bit then wake up shaking, heart beating fast, and I cant breathe. This happened all night.


I go see my therapist today which is very much needed. My bestfriend got a new boyfriend so she doesnt talk to me much anymore and when I do call her she is busy so I feel like Im bothering her. My new friends are great but since I dont know them that well, I don't want to run them away always going to them when I need them. I try to share good news with them but since one friend is like my mentor and the other is a vocational rehabilitation counselor, I just dont want to get on their nerves because it feels like my bad outweighs the good and I know they have problems of their own to deal with. Im going to call my church and see if I can get on the list for pastoral counseling.


I just try so hard I mean really hard. I spend at least an hour in prayer every morning thinking about everything Im thankful for and praying for my friends and family. I watch Joyce Meyer every morning. Im currently reading her book "Enjoying Where You Are on the Way to Where You're Going" so I wont feel so worthless about being unemployed, not in school, and alone while my friends are busy. I read the Bible everyday. People come to me with their problems and I always have an encouraging word for them. But I just feel so weak. Im tired of suffering. I know people have it worse than me and I have a lot to be thankful for. Just the other day I was thanking God for the purpose in my pain as I used my life experiences to encourage a friend. But right now Im just tired of the mental torment. They're like mini seizures without the jerking and blackout. I just dont want to live anymore but I dont want to die.


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Katrina, I just want to encourage you to keep on with life, to find things you like to do, places you have access to that make you feel good just being there, positive experiences that will make good memories for those dull, grey days of winter.


I wonder do you use diet drinks or drinks with a lot of caffeine as I know both have been connected to palpitations that can feel like panic attacks. One of my SILs was taken off all such drinks and was only allowed water for a year as the doctor thought her palpitations were caused by them. It may not apply to you but it is just a thought.


Keep your courage up and remember that it is true that what you will become is in God's hands and that is the safest place to be.



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Sounds like you are improving with movements in your weak hand so just continue with therapy and trying to do more things with that hand!!! God knows your needs and He hears your prayers daily so you will get better in due time!!!

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