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Plugging along -- kinda feel like eeyore from winnie the pooh



So i couldn't find a ledge high enough to jump from -- both colleen and debbie called me and said - STOP IT -- come down off the ledge..lol… Dan is doing a bit better again - refused his pills through the weekend but ate.. then got all achey and weird feeling and decided maybe just maybe taking his pills is a ok idea… but as we know it changes every day.. the new care giver ( i hired a younger gal ) is working out better than the older gal ( she just was sick so much herself and dan i think just depressed her way to much- go figure) -- the younger gal does a lot of cleaning and more interaction with dan. she likes the job and i made it clear her job depends ( with in reason) on dan liking her… so she cleans a lot and i encouraged her to make a lot of noise while cleaning - he likes the sound of work… and then she spends simple time with him --- watching TV together and she does get him to laugh… i encouraged her to act like a daughter to him, thinking that might be the "IN" .. so far it does appear to be working… Myself i am so depressed over all this i could just lay down and never get up.. but i get up take my own antidepressant and head out to work…. but today seems as though it might be slow so i might just ask if i can opt out of this afternoon and go home and just nap… Dan had me up at the crack of dawn - wanted a shower ( and he needed one ) so i wasn't gonna pass on getting that done… I am just so heart broken over all the destruction the stroke has taken on the family…. Beth had a graduation party - she got her GED last Dec. and we finally got around to having a formal recognition of this…. 6 months, no- 7 months later -- who does that ?? But i have to say -- I so appreciate everyones thoughts and concerns -- it is so important as we all know that we get affirmation we matter .. and you have all done that for me.. when i have needed it -- unfortunately i seem to need a lot of it…. you guys are the BEST ….


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So glad to see a post from you Nancy! I've been sick with worry over what might be going on. It is great news about the new gal. I feel very positive that she is going to create some respite for you to get a little more normal on your side of the fence. I'm glad Dan decided to give up his latest event, and is feeling better.


Hey, you did good with the grad party, we didn't even have one for our son. Anything we ever did do, it was never on the right date, we did it when we could, not by the calendar. Less stressful that way.

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My boss even gave me the afternoon off - so i am gonna nap--- the new gal got dan to leave the house with her-- she is kinda a gutsy gal late 20's or so -- and a cna so i don't believe the plan is to leave town but i did tell her IF she can get Dan to do something she is allowed to go do it… i think they are just doing mc donalds and walmart… which in itself should be interesting…. thank god a reprieve… for a moment ( long enough for a nap -i hope) ….

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I did want to mention - a friend of mine was suggesting me go see a councilor which i would be in favor of but i have no time just laying the ground work to all of my lives " complications" would take hours and then the simple fact is - nobody can fix anything for anyone else. I haven't been ably to fix anything for dan despite all my talking and having taken him to see a psychologist last year for a few sessions the aphasia made it so difficult to interpret -- although the guy tried . and back in the early times of the stroke one of the local psychologists came to the farm a couple times and tried to, but it was very hard for dan to get through the barrier of language…. for me - i guess… "Buck up little buckaroo" will have to do… after all i am not the only one with issues … life is full of them, for everyone. If you scratch at the surface for many they are buried - mine won't stay buried - since my emotions and dans are so linked .. i wish i could find a disconnect button- but that to me is like disconnecting him form my life … and i can't find the button to push anyway ( lol) - will hopefully be able to make it to our caregiver chat group tonight ….

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As you know I went to a counselor four months after Ray died. I went for an hour every two weeks for six sessions. What I found was that it helped me get life in perspective. I spent the first three crying and the second three thinking so at the end of six I had an idea what to do about what had changed in my life. The counselor was Rogerian which suits me as she mostly reflected on what I said so I could hear it in someone else's voice.


Anything and everything is worthwhile, worth doing, but somehow we have to set priorities and sometimes when things go wrong and get out of balance we have to reset them. You have a 50% investment in the time you spend with Dan. Some of that time you need for Nancy and her needs. Just spend some time thinking how Nancy should use her time if you were writing a reply to her blog.


It was good you got to spend an hour in chat this week. Maybe next week you can interact with the others so you get the benefit of helping them as they are helping you. It is a big world and where most people are indifferent to what you are going through being part of a small group helps you feel less lonely and isolated I find.



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Good to hear from you Nancy. Please that you got a helper who is a help! LOL. Good that you got some rest, sleep is good, yes.


The great thing about strokenet, is that we are there for one another, picking each other up when we need it. I enjoy helping some one else, it takes away from me thinking that I am the only one going through.


Please that Dan is doing better. You think what would you like to do. keep on posting


God bless Yvonne

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oddly today a social worker from the hospital came by -- she is new to town - unfamiliar with our family ( kinda nice) -- she also has psych nursing background…. sooooo - i gave her our story and just watching her face react to all the issues in our life since the stroke was almost entertaining - in the end she was "overwhelmed" and just sighed and i could tell needed to digest it all.. she does plan to come and meet with dan weekly starting in mid august - just to see if she can establish any type of rapport with him… I took another long nap today after work - felt so good… but i think dan was frustrated he wanted me to "talk" but sometimes it is so exhausting just trying to decipher his particular word or phrase is to exhausting…. now i am thinking i am going back to bed… even with a full belly of coffee drink ( cold) i am still tired… but at least with working thus far it has helped me to sleep at night , and for that i am thankful…. exhaust yourself and you will sleep ---

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Good to hear from you. Sorry I missed Chat - family in for a visit, but am so glad you went. All of us do better with rest and yes, as you know, the body will eventually shut down when it has had enough stress and exhaustion.


Good news on the Social Worker. Try anything that comes along.


Interesting that you mentioned "talk" being so exhausting. I find that every day. Talk all day long, just to get him to talk (word find, make sentences, THINK - LOL) and by the time Bruce pops into bed, I am so relieved NOT to have to listen to myself. One of those things the "pros" never tell you.


Go easy. Glad Beth's party was such a success. Yes, she certainly deserves recognition as to her accomplishments. Kudos!

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Nancy, I can see now sometimes we just have to make changes that works for us or our good!! I'm so glad you got a lady now that Dan can relate to in taking care of him while you try to go back to work making a few dollars to help pay the bills!!!


I still say my wife tried various agencies to take care of me in my first few days back at home from the hospital and we didn't qualify for any of them!! As it turned out I got better in a few weeks enough to start driving and riding a scooter!!


Now my wife did have to stop working she quit her job to stay with me in the WC and I thank God I survived!! Now I can make it the rest of my recovery days I think coming up on ten years on December 15th this year!!!

I still remember after that one year she stayed home I got better, out the WC, and went to work at Walmart for three years before I decided I had enough of working on a scooter!!!!


I'm so glad Dan is laughing some with the new lady which should make his recovery much better and his attitude too!!!!

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