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back home after the colonoscopy



The colonoscopy went well because I did not have any seizures or panic attacks. The bad part is they did not heavily sedate me so I was awake the whole time feeling everything and it hurt! The surgeon removed a polyp and he said I have colitis. I guess I will find out more when I follow up next week.


I am glad to be back to my apartment. I had one anxiety attack on Wednesday when I initially got to my dad's house but Wednesday night and last night were pretty scary. It was like a repeat of Sunday night. I kept waking up every few hours with my heart racing and scared. Sometimes I would be yelling for my dad, sometimes I would be yelling out "No!", and sometimes I was just laying there shaking thinking please help me God.


Today did not start out any better. Yesterday I took a nap after the procedure but I jumped up yelling for my dad because it felt like I was going to have a seizure. I figured it was just the sedation or pain medicine wearing off but since I experienced the same thing all night, I was frustrated when it happened again today. Earlier I was in the kitchen with my dad and started to feel weird so I went to my room to sit down and calm myself down but once again I felt I was going to have a seizure. I called for my dad. I was really dizzy. I asked him if I was okay. He just stood there until I felt normal. A few hours later I was reading a book and it happened again so I called my dad out of breath scared to death that I was about to have a seizure. By the time he got home I was fine.


Now I am back in my apartment. I felt like being at my dad's house reminded me too much of the seizures. I think Im going to start taking a multivitamin. Drinking a soda and eating a snack cake sure didnt stop me from freaking out earlier. I don't eat a lot of fast food but I mostly eat a lot of frozen or boxed meals so maybe it is my diet. I dont know.


I have no plans this weekend anymore. I was supposed to be going out to dinner and open mic poetry night with some girlfriends but the girl I ride with cant go and its not safe for me to do all of that driving especially after it gets dark. Im trying not to get discouraged. It would be nice if I could just live my life without having weird random brain attacks. Sometimes I feel scared to even do things because the attacks seem to happen when Im enjoying myself or when Im just doing something passive and least expect it. Okay enough complaining


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I didn't realize you had moved back into an apartment, I missed that part, but anyway I just had the same thing done and everything went well my wife said and I'm clean, nothing seen that need to be removed but now as I'm older the doctor recommends having this done every 5 years instead of 10 years!!!


I go along with that because men die more than women from colon or prostate problems!!!! I do wish you could find a good male friend in your town to really become great friends with that understands your condition!!! I say that because here at the military base many single men and women are disabled, legs or arms lost in Afghanistan, but they need companionship just like any other human being in my opinion!!


I look at myself having been shot in the back near my spine and nearly paralyzed in Vietnam years ago then this many years later survived a stroke that left my whole left side paralyzed from head to toe and finally found a companion, my 4th wife, that can deal with my physical condition and now life is worth living!!!!


I go to the military base often and converse with the "Wounder Warriors" and I learn what they think about life after being wounder in the war to come back home in their conditions!!! Some are married with children and others single like you and having a relationship with someone is what they think about every day and their lives are much better when they find that special friend to love and care for THEM in every way!!!


That's what you need, a partner, in your life that understands you and your needs, to make you feel so much better about yourself!!!


I hope one day soon my wife and I can visit North Carolina to visit you and others living there just to meet other survivors and care givers alike!!!! I pray you don't have any seizures!!!

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