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My best friend's father, since we were 13, passed last week. He was an incredible man. And while sick and at 89, it was a blessing. The family has been through "h" for the past five weeks.


Chris is the middle child of three. Her brother, the oldest child, was a Vietnam vet - Medic, never carried a gun and was killed in a car accident after his Honorable Discharge. He was a passenger in the car. He, himself, never drove a car. We often talked about the fact that her Dad just never got over that. But he had two daughters and me - LOL. I remember one night Chris and I got in at 5am and Dad was sitting on the couch - LOL. Very annoyed, of course, but just concerned we were not drunk or on drugs, mostly that we were safe. After that, we always called.


Week two of Retirement and Bruce is not well. Services for Chris's Dad are tomorrow and I had planned out the whole week so we could go.


I am sorting out too many changes in too many days. Bruce just had a physical with his PCP mid-July. Blood drawn August 1 and you all know I get a copy. His Diabetes medications were increased last Friday and I agreed. On Monday, he had Botox. Physiatrist injected his R hamstring extra due to overtoning. Tuesday we went out to breakfast and Bruce did not clear his plate. That never happens. So it has been a long week. He did not sleep Tuesday night and was OK last night. Napping on and off, only if I insist - LOL.


Bruce is running a temperature on and off. I took him off Crystal Lite and onto water. He can not hold down a meal. BMs are OK, in my opinion. He has had no solid intake since Tuesday. Belly is soft. Yes, he does not exercise, but that is nothing new. Even Erma said today "He is so weak. Can barely transfer." Bruce knows something is not right. Tries to explain as best he can. I am stressing fresh air. Will have to call the Doc tomorrow if things do not improve.


I know he will be fine driving to the cemetary tomorrow and we could come right back. But the priority is of course his health. Will let you all know. Pray for us and for my Chris. Debbie


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Here's hoping it's not the Botox, Ray had such bad flu like reactions that I only let them do it twice.  Ray has been weak since last winter due to various issues, takes so long to get them back up to speed, and understandably so since they can't just jump on a trampoline or something to perk up.  Sorry you have so much on your plate, when you should be rejoicing your "freedom".


(Yes I can finally post, don't know what the glitch was for me the last few days).

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Debbie, so sorry to hear about the death of your old friend, it is tragic that we lose so many of those who have had a positive effect on our lives and we mourn them all. My sympathy to yourself and your friend Chris, I know you will help her through this.


I would maybe have blood tests done on Bruce if this weakness continues too long. It does sound like some kind of virus to me but maybe Colleens thought that it is the Botox needs to be followed up too.  I wish him a speedy recovery.


I hope all goes well for the funeral.  Will pray for Chris and family members and friends like yourself.



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Good news. Bruce got up this morning bound and determined we were going to the services. Skipped breakfast and did want a shower, which I knew would make him feel better. Fortunately it was later in the day, so tylenol and plenty of BR time.


He is exhausted but I am so proud of him. Met and talked to everyone. Spent a long time with Chris's Mom.


He seems to be on the mend, so now I am pretty sure it was just a GI virus, still short of breath, but stronger. His lungs are clear and no temp tonight. He was able to eat some solid food and hold it down.


Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. Debbie

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Late getting in on this, but I was very worried to read about it.   So glad to hear Bruce is feeling himself again!


Sorry more sad news in your lives.  :(

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