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Day 14 08.16.14 feeling a little down



Hello all,


It was day 14 of my precious grandma's stroke yesterday, saturday...I've spent 3 hrs with her, and she was doing ok, she had more fruit juice than the previous day and she was able to swallow much more easily my mom said. She was also more awake, and I did not like it, as the more she's awake the more she gazes through the room, the ceiling, etc...and when I tried to ask her some 10 questions, yes-no questions, all the answers were the same, and that really saddened me and I really dunno if she gets what we mean or not. I wrote YES and NO in turkish on a piece of paper, and she analyzed it with her left hand...for 2-3 minutes, I tried to explain that one was a YES and the other one a NO...but cant be sure if she got it correct...anyway, we still keep on reaching to her via her eyes, and her nodding of her head...that's fine.


I massaged her right leg and arm, for 10mins / hour, and I felt really sorry for her, and I did not reflect it on my face..She just looked at me and tried to understand what I was doing maybe...then I read her another 10 pages of the novel I'm reading her, by a Greek author,

http://www.amazon.com/Farewell-Anatolia-Modern-Greek-Writers/dp/9600404798 , Dido Sotiriyu...a very nice novel about the Greeks-Turks living hand in hand in western Anatolia in the beginning of the 1900s. Amazing novel, metaphors...makes you live in that era if you are already from these soil.


Anyway, I felt really sad when I got back home and spoke to my father about it and said that we shouldnt expect a miracle, but keep on the good caretaking...our expectations should not be so GREAT...little steps every month, maybe 3 months, maybe 6 months...


Grandma now reacts to everything in the room, voices, mobile phone sound, everything...she keeps on gazing...all the time...


I've read somewhere in this network that it's better to keep her sleeping and that the brain heals via sleep...but she's not sleeping that much for the last 2 days, and plus her fever is a little up, 37.5°C...mom is trying to keep that down via giving grandma some paracetamol...


Uncle Nuri is really helping out my mother, they changed my grandma's diaper for 2-3 times in front of my eyes, they are now getting used to it.


Expecting the nurse to start work on monday, day 16...hope she adapts well to our grandma...hope they get on well with her and my mother, aunt and uncle.


Healthy and happy days to you all out there, have a good weekend.




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Hello Cagin, grandma is luckly that she has suck a caring Grandson.   Like your father said it takes time, one day at a time. The whole family keep on doing what you are doing.


You have a good weekend



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Yes you are a great grandchild--- this is tough stuff… and it might get better and it might not… the only thing you can control is yourself and - the fact you love and care for your grandmother- says a lot about you… and your family...

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Don't get disheartened if there are not improvements every day.  She will rest and wake when she is ready.  She will need voices around her she is familiar with.  Keep questions to a minimum as her brain will have trouble processing so use statements:  "It is a lovely day isn't it?", are you enjoying the book, I am." that way she can just nod and smile.


It is good your family is able to look after her, at her age that will make all the difference.



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Hello Yvonne, Nancy and Sue, thanks  for your morale booster comments :)

I'll try and keep the questions short next time I see her, and consult everyone that YES questions should be asked for her to confirm, positive, happy and YES questions =)

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