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Everything is heating up here



This summer has been mild so far and we had rain the last few days. Next week will be hot and humid as is the case usually for August.


Our beloved St. Louis has been in a turmoil due to a shooting of a young teen by a police officer. It is sad and he was only 18. The case is being investigated now by federal authorities. President Obama and others have commented on his death. What is so disturbing is the reaction by some (outsiders mostly) who have taken out their revenge to the polie department by looting and burning down businesses. It has gone on for days. I feel for the parents of the deceased teen and they have stated they do not want any violence - only justice. Some only glory in looting, damaging and acting like they have the power to take control. I hope it ends soon. Please pray for the parents and our city for this to come to a peaceful end soon.


Larry and I have had a quiet summer. The kids come and go and they are very busy with their activities. We see them on Facebook a lot. lol School has started this week here. Our granddaughters are 7 and 15. The younger one is half way up my back and the older is a little taller than me. They both live across the river in St. Peters and St. Charles.


Larry is doing well as can be expected. He had a session of PT recently to strengthen his confidence and stamina. He had an excellent therapist and he did very well. I just wish I could get him to do the same at home. lol His swallowing is improved somewhat but still has little appetite. After 4 1/2 years I think he has pretty much stabalized. I do hope his appetite improves. When we eat dinner, I do not have the TV on except for certain occasions as he will look at it and not eat at all. I play CDs and we listen to music during dinner. His doctor always encourages music. I will play a CD from the 60's and ask him to name the tune. We use to go out dancing when we were younger and enjoyed the pop tunes.


My son has been in the hospital several times this year for IBS/colitis and recently misdiagnosed with Crohn's. This last time a GI doctor, who knew what she was reading on the report, said he was misdiagnosed. He still has IBS but the Crohn's had us pretty scared. I hope he can stay on his meds and diet to keep from going in the ER/hospital. I have enough to worry about Larry.


So, hopefully, it won't be too humid this week. It was 73 today and dreary. I prefer the sun and a little warmer.


Have a nice rest of the summer.




P.S. I hope this will post. I cannot post on any blogs or message boards. I hope Steve can help me with this.


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Julie: Bruce has been following your Cardinals all summer. He is looking forward to seeing at least part of the playoffs.


I have been following the shooting and looting your St. Louis has been experiencing. It is just so sad, for everyone really. I do pray for peace and some closure for the parents.


We too will be warming up a bit next week. But really loving high 70s during the day and high 50s overnight. But I think we are a bit less humid than you. Yes, it has been very cool this summer for you heat seekers - LOL.


Good news on Louis. Debbie

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Ladies, I would like some heat here on the beautiful Central Coast, today it is cold and wet and we are promised wild storms so the weather has nothing to recommend it. Roll on summer! Julie, a quiet summer is a good summer, I do like long peaceful stretches of life where nothing is good or bad, just going along. 


​So sad about St Louis, here too racial tensions can boil over and people express their anger and frustration by destroying public property.  It is a sad state of affairs indeed and one requiring expert handling.  In the meantime I would shop locally and avoid travel if I were you.


Julie, life is what it is, Ray would never exercise independently as you know and I would envy the progress of others who would.  He too had the swallowing difficulties and I worried about his basic nutrition.  Got to love them the way they are though.



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Bob also finds TV distracting while he eats, but I'm not sure he realizes it!   Either he's not eating and watching, or he is staring at his food like he is deeply in love with it and missing the show completely.   Just better to stop the tv, and we can pause it with our dish network, other brands can too, I imagine.    He can eat treats while he watches, as they are usually just finger food, like an ice cream bar.


I hope things calm down there soon.

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