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Hotwheels Convention



OK, so we had a blooper. I showed Bob this video to inspire him to keep working and trying. This is the pic from the video, but you have to click the link to get it to play, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJu448:



His interpretation of it was to wait till I went to Walmart and try to get up and do things. DOH! So I come home and he has fallen. I had to call a friend to help get him up. I was a little afraid the fall would ruin our next day at the hot wheels convention, but we made it out!


Well, we are back, and had our naps and it went pretty good. There were a few things that could have went better. For instance, when planning our travel time, I should have allowed extra time for putting on one of those male condoms urine things (@15 minutes) and the time it would take me to get out and assemble his chair (@ 15 minutes). So we really wanted to leave here around 11 and get there around 1, and it closes at 3. Well son called and maybe we talked to long. Seems like we got there around 2(!) and so didn't have much time before it was over. He did get some 'booty' and has been rustling thru his bags looking at his new cars.


I was a bit bummed to find I had left both camera and ipod at home, and had to use my cheapomatic cell phone - an old tracfone with really bad program. But I guess I was lucky to have that much on me! We also stopped and ate on the way home, and the GPS didn't send me on any wild goose chases (sometimes it does) - so all in all, it turned out pretty good :)




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Sandy, your husband looks so handsome. Love the blue gait belt and his tennis shoes.  Where did you get the blue gait belt and are his pants regular jeans?  All of my hubbys pants are just light weight work out pants and they are baggy.  I would love to find something that looked nicer on him.  Glad you had fun getting out.  Its still a chore getting my hubby out and about.  He tires so easily. 

Great Picture!


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No, we tried reg jeans and it made us late.   He is wearing a condom catheter and it is just too hard to get them up without pulling it on the leg/crotch.   So, these are just jogging pants.   For me, I always prefer the easy pull ups, as I don't need the extra work/frustration of zippers and buttons.


Look on http://smile.amazon.com/ref=smi_ge_rl_rd_gw?_encoding=UTF8&ein=26-0040447 and you can search with GAIT BELT - lots of colors!    If you haven't already chosen, it might ask you to choose your charity, so choose strokenet!

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Sandy: thank you so much for sharing and that picture is perfect! He looks like he is having so much fun and I am glad he found some things for himself.


You will get the hang of time planning with all the equipment. It was only your second time and hopefully an hour was just fine for Bob.


So thankful that he was not hurt in the fall. Always something! They have to push the envelope - LOL. I take it he did great with the motorized chair. Feeling the wind in his hair! LOL. Debbie

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Hello Sandy, we just watched the video with my mom, we were in tears as we reached the end of the video.  I don't know if it's possible for my grandma but still, we will never give up! Even at age 83 or even at age 100...we will never give up...thanks for sharing this wonderful video...awesome! just awesome progress!

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I do not know if it's possible for Bob either... BUT, I know that progress is always possible and I want him to get as far as he can and keep pushing!

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I watched the video and thought it was very inspiring.  Thanks for sharing.


Bob looked good Sandy.  You are a great caregiver.



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