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Bad Day for Me, Yesterday...Oh No, What's next?!



On Saturday, the 16th I had a really enjoyable day outside attending a friend's birthday party but the good day was, unfortunately, followed by a bad day yesterday (Sunday, August 17th)... I spent 4 hours at the hospital ER. I had got out of bed in the AM , hubby did not and my son was on another level of the house. After using the bathroom, I went to the kitchen to fix my breakfast as I do every morning; I began by retrieving my teacup from the table and then taking it to the counter where we keep our pitcher of filtered water (with the intent to fill the cup with water to heat in the microwave to make instant oatmeal. I never made it to the counter because I became quite dizzy, lost my balance and fell to the floor, hitting my head twice on the way down (on the counter and on the trash bin) I remember then hearing the sound of my son running up the stairs and my hubby call out my name and leaping from bed and running to me. When hubby got to me, I heard him say to our son, "she's having a siezure, call 911". I remember nothing from that point until I got to the ER.


I tell ya, looking back over my life, it seems it's solely made up of drama and trauma. What I wouldn't give for a piece of peace and comfort.


Gosh, I wonder what's next on my horizon. My neurologist is away until after Labor Day so now I wait to hear from my PCP on what I do next.


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So sorry you had this incident, I hope it was caused by something they can fix (like ear).    I'm guessing the seizure was probably from the hits on the head, rather than stroke seizures.    Please keep us posted as to anything new.

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Sorry  for your accident, plesase don't  get too down. After my stroke I was in the hosptial six times!    My blood pressure was too hight, so  I would not be feeling well, daughter take me to ER and they would say , "you are not going anywhere!." One day I fainted, good think my daughter came by and had a key.  I also had a swollen left foot, was in for 6days,  and my tummy got a infection and I ended up with a tube down my nose.That was so painful in for 8 days.  Having a stroke is a hard journey, with lots of bumps and twists.  My point is , yes it is a set back, but keep thinking postive, I saw that if I put my head down, I  never moved forward. so I would not  give up.  Now after four years, I have peace and quiet, some times  I hurt, but I going to keep on trucking.  


God bless, you and the family are in my prayers.



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So sorry you had this incident, I hope it was caused by something they can fix (like ear).    I'm guessing the seizure was probably from the hits on the head, rather than stroke seizures.    Please keep us posted as to anything new.

That's what I think happened too; seizure from hitting my head.  They gave me a CT scan of my brain and it  was negative...no bleeds or anything, so that was good news.

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I do hope you are resting and letting the family take care of you. Sorry your Neuro is away but probably the PCP can shed some light on this and offer some suggestions until your Neuro gets back. Just take care. And yes, do let us know. Debbie

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Sorry this happened, falling can cause a lot of dramas. Do you do exercises to prevent falls?  Ray used to do some from a video someone gave us, made for people with Parkinson's I think but simple enough for Ray to do.  The side to side stepping even though he had to cling to a rail to do them and the stretching forwards and backwards were designed to help rebalance you.


I hope the seizures were caused by the fall, it's great there was no brain bleed.  It is frightening to have had the experience so I hope you are none the worse for it all. Sue.

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I am so sorry to hear to hear this Rose! Glad the CT scan came back negative! Hopefully and prayerfully the seizure was from hitting your head and nothing else! Relax, take it easy, and don't do very much until you see your PCP. Your in my thoughts and prayers! You can private message me if you need to "talk".

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Just incase you have another seizure... that still can be from hitting your head.   My mother in law had some after hitting her head, but not forever.  

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Hello Rose, I am a newbee, and am so sorry you are getting through this, happy that the CT was ok.  My grandma had her stroke in the bathroom too...I wonder how many survivors had their strokes in the bathroom, and whether its a coincidence.  Anyway, healthy and happy days to you.

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Hello Rose, I am a newbee, and am so sorry you are getting through this, happy that the CT was ok.  My grandma had her stroke in the bathroom too...I wonder how many survivors had their strokes in the bathroom, and whether its a coincidence.  Anyway, healthy and happy days to you.

I think the bathroom is a common place for injuries to the elderly, but My seizure happened in the kicthen and the stroke I suffered, last year, happened in my living room while I was sitting in a chair.

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hi rose,  I'm so sorry about your fall, but thankful you are ok!!     isn't stroke recovery exciting?  LOL   interesting question cipeko asked,  I too had my stroke in my bathroom, or at least on the the way there.  the br  is where I finally collapsed.  I have you in my thoughts and prayers, that  no further incidents set you back in your recovery. lord knows, none of us need that, we are trying to go forward and heal, not backward and decline.   please stay safe and be well.      



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Cipeko, my mother always told me to ho to the bathroom when i didn't feel well. That's where you go to be sick. Even when i don' t know what is wrong with me. It's also where i keep my meds. And if i need a cool damp cloth for my head or face i get it in the bathroom. In terms of accidents bathrooms are slippery places with many hard surfaces to hurt yourself on. Maybe we should go to the front porch where someone can find us.

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