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3 weeks



Just wanted to check in three weeks into this retirement. It has been interesting.


The changes in Bruce - not counting last week when he had a GI bug - are amazing. I guess I did not realize how much stress he was under as well. When he asked a year ago for no caregivers, we both knew the routine would change. Once I got up; it was wash and dress for the day, coffee, newspaper, Estim, breakfast, teeth and then Debbie out the door. All in about an hour and 15 minutes. You all know he did great, but then lunch when I got home, nap, Estim, dinner, wash up and bed. We did all the errands on the weekend or after his PT when he would have it and Sundays were cooking for the week.


He is loving this new routine. Yes, he still has to have change as soon as I get up, but he is continent several mornings now. I have no clue how he is doing it - he seems as surprised as me, but it is a nice surprise. We have coffee and newspaper together. Who cares what time we get dressed? LOL Bruce still has to do all his chores. And he is accepting if I choose to work in the house and there is no getting out.


Unfortunately most of the areas I am working on Bruce can not get to. I try to involve him best I can, but twice I have looked for him and he is out on the deck. Just showing off - LOL. He can get out himself now with the new ramp. I just have to remind him to close the screen door after he gets to the deck!


He is watching his portion control of food very carefully now. But I am also preparing healthier meals, because I can! I think he was annoyed that his diabetes medication was increased but also very smug about losing 2 lbs in the past two months.


This week is fun because we are off to the Casino next week. I am still stretching out the errands so we can get out as much as possible and have set up the staging area for the packing. First item in the staging area was a bottle of wine for Debbie - LOL. He needed magazines for the trip. There is no way he is getting up at 4am and turning the TV on with me in the room. There is in-the-room coffee, which he can manage himself, after set up. So we went to Barnes and Noble. We hadn't been there in probably a year. Two hours later - I forget that is his favorite place and there was no time restraint. He gets all over the store by himself in the WC. I sat with a cup of coffee - LOL.


For me, I have had my first pedicure - thank you Julie and Larry, my first manicure and facial. We are stockpiling some things for our dear Melissa who is due in January. We can shop! That is just such a luxury. Although I think Bruce has had enough looking for sales on disposable diapers! He did love going with me to get a pair of jeans that fit! And it was funny to see him going through a sale rack of maternity tops. He got several great buys. I was able to take a pix of them and send them off to Melissa who was just so thrilled that Uncle Bruce did this for her. Julie and Larry got pix of my pretty feet! Love finally having time to figure out this great phone with all the extras. I am driving my sister crazy with texting, but Who Knew?


City bulk pick up starts September 5th, so after our little jaunt and family visit next week, will be dragging stuff to the curb. And then we are off to meet with Colleen and Ray. Winter will be upon us before we know it and I have new snow removal team on board. But also a nice list of indoor chores and some recipes we want to try out.


Erma is off for two weeks, but she will be back after Labor Day. So that is the doings at the Shack. Debbie


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Debbie, I love getting up late late late and wearing my gown/pjs for hours.   I hate worrying about who might show up when I'm not dressed or maybe I threw a t-shirt on without a bra.   I like the leisure feeling of just letting the day develope.   Usually, any serious work I get done is at night in the wee hours anyway.

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Debbie :


I am glad you are setting & enjoying your new retirement routine. For me getting up on time & s tarting my day after shower & then exercise works well for me



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ha, ha, my 2 replies here are SOOOO like me.   When I read something, usually one thing in it takes over my brain at a time and it's all I can think about.   Wearing pajamas and nite pee out of the way, I see there is still much more I wanted to comment on.


It's so good to hear how your retirement is blossoming into a whole brand new chapter for both of you!    I'll never understand how Bruce is able to wheel his wheelchair with one hand and not run into things with it.  Secrets to share on that?    It is great how he is able to 'do his own thing'.  


Hey Debbie, what about those screen things that shut themself?    I see them at Walmart in the AS SEEN ON TV aisle.    Would those be better or worse that a reg screen door with a wheel chair?

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Sounds like you are enjoying  your retirement, good for you.  Sinice I have stoped working, I get up early, wash, breakfast and out the door for my walk or bus for my Tai chi class and keep fit .  Good for Bruce, that he can get out  and not bump into things, you go Bruce!  



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Yes, you are truly enjoying your retirement.  Bruce is smiling and enjoying seeing his bride at home more.  All is well with the world.


I am one of those in my PJ's half the morning.  I get Larry up breakfast,  dressed looking good, etc.  Oh well, at least one of us looks good.  lol



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Julie: that is certainly me with the PJs - I put on jeans at 4pm to take the garbage out to the curb - LOL. But sometimes even that doesn't happen. I am like Sandy - a no bra day is a dream.


Sandy: Bruce does not wheel the WC. He "hooks" his affected right foot with his good left foot and uses his left heel to propel himself. He would never tolerate foot rests, so unless it is a WC supplied by a facility, they are never on his WCs. Colleen said Ray was like that until just recently. I could probably insist if need be, but he hold those feet up off the floor if he is being pushed. Don't forget he has been doing this for five years, so he can go a very long time.


I had the ramp specifically designed for our two deck doors. The inside door is called an Atrium door. I have no idea what that means, but the Contractor often mentions it. And the screen door was brand new just before Bruce's stroke when we redid the siding and roof. (all new doors) so he will learn to close the screen after he lets himself out. Just being responsible.


Thank you all for your replies. It has been interesting and relaxing.

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Retirement is good for you and Bruce. One day I will need to do that. Bruce is doing so well . I have been watching our diets also


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