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going with flow instead of resisting



I was just thinking how come I don't blog bad things which happen from time to time in my life. But I have also noticed that I tend to not dwell on things which when don't go my way, instead of getting aggravated I just go oh well whatever. Well it does drive some of perfectionists in my extended family crazy. luckily hubby is glass half full type of guy & he will straighten me out if any time I am feeling down about some things. I like hubby's philosophy prepare for worst, but then let the chips fall the way they will be. Lot of time in life you don't have control over everything, you just have to go with flow without resisting. Post stroke I am learning to try to do my best to best of my ability then learn to let go & have no attachment to results. its hard lesson to learn, but slowly I am learning.




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Asha, you have been a shining star in my life since I joined Strokenet.  I am a "worry about everything" personality and your  "go with the flow" philosophy was foreign to me.  Now I am accomplishing it some of the time.  My stress levels now I am a widow and not a full time caregiver are much lower of course but I still can get stressed.  I imagine you are here saying : "go with the flow go with the flow" softly over and over and that helps me tremendously.



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Asha, it is the only way to live in peace.   Otherwise, I will be upset all day long, because things just keep happening.    I still get REALLY upset for about 2 minutes, but have one good thing working for me.   It only last for that 2 minutes, then I somehow manage to just let it go and move to the next thing.    I really would like to not get so upset to start with, and hope to become that person one day, but I just can't put a lid on it, without feeling like my head is going to explode.... I know I don't want that.    I guess these things I'm talking about are things that happen all at once, like today I opened the fridge door and what I was going to have for dinner and had prepared for, fell out and dumped upside down on the floor.   That was a terrible 2 minutes.


Fortunately, for me, life moving by me and just not a perfect  life, does not affect me like that.    In those cases, I am a half full glass too.   So thankful for that.    My mom is the eternal half empty glass, and I can't remember her ever being happy one day in her life (tuning 86 in Sept).     So being able to see something good and dwell on it is one of life's treasured blessings to me!

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Guest lwisman




You are right that life has it ups and downs. Come to think of it, much of life is spent adjusting to new circumstances. The older I get the more I see this is true. I agree letting go and finding the good in any situation may be the key!


Take care,


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Asha, my thoughts are you have less headaches by going with the flow in so many cases at least I do at my age. It takes the worry out of most situations I know about!!!

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As i am getting older, I " just go with the flow". Before I was a worryer, but worrying is not going to change anything and my blood pressure is  just going to go up!.   Older and wiser, I see that life is ful lof twist and turns and I  just enjoy the ride! 



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