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bare arms, a feeling of Spring in the air



The birds are going mad today, lots of puddles to bathe in, green grass, plenty of worms near the surface so lots of birds out and about. Plenty of nest building too as I have seen the smaller birds flying around with dry grass or twigs in their beaks, and several of them are squabbling over a favourite tree for that, my paper bark tea tree out on the front footpath.We were given the weather forecast today of another wet day and low temp but Mother Nature mustn't have been listening as it is simply gorgeous out. It was nice up the back so I took some bromiliads and put them around the old tree stumps so that will brighten up that part of the yard.


I have been out gardening all morning. Current boarder next door John who is still waiting on a job placement after his last job with a government agency sunk out of sight at the end of June said he would clear down the side of the fence for about $100. There is a lot of herringbone fern there and a lot of fallen sticks from the big wind last year so it needs doing. He is ten years younger than I am so should get it done in a reasonable time. It all needs a good tidy up and maybe the metal roof sheeting will finally finish up out the front for the metal men to collect. That would be another plus.


When I was up the back I heard a scrunching noise on the edge of the cabin roof, I wonder if a pesky little possum has taken shelter under the eaves again? I still haven't had the last work done on the cabin, the roof is on but the ceiling was not replaced so I guess I had better start ringing around and getting some quotes again. I hate that part of getting a job done, getting quotes, waiting in for tradesmen that never give you a quote etc.


I think I am accepting that I need to make some changes now, not only to the house but to my life. I don't want to make any rushed decisions, I am mostly talking to other widows about what they have done. It is impossible to go back to the things I was doing when this all started and I don't think I would want to. I have had a lot of good experiences as well as bad ones and want to continue to have good experiences. I wish I had Ray here with me but almost two years out am less sentimental and more of a realist about my life experiences. I only have to read on here to remember the way things were. I am not looking at life now with a rosy glow but in a more realistic way.


It is wonderful to have the sun shining in a clear blue sky. It can be a sad and lonely neighbourhood when the winter wet season is in full swing. That is when I really miss Ray. Because of his many deficits he was always with me, inside in the warm, out on the verandah doing his exercises, sitting doing his old word search books (I found another in a drawer the other day). He was a lot of hard work but that filled up my days and sometimes my nights. I felt worth while in what I did. When I lost Ray I lost my "job" as well and I think that is a part of what I have been mourning for so long, that all seemed to be my purpose in life.


Even in the nursing home at the end of his life Ray was my companion. Going to visit him was my reason for getting out of bed, getting on with the housework etc so I could get out of here and be over at the nursing home by 11am to help him with his lunch. I still can not get past that feeling of wanting to have him here with me. There is still a lot of guilt about being the survivor of a couple. I don't know why but sometimes when I am out enjoying myself, particularly laughing I feel as if someone will come up to me and say: "Don't laugh so much you are a widow now."


I want to make new friends, I want to renovate the house and refurnish it to be "Sue's House". It will be two years since Ray died in a months time. And three years two months sine he went from the hospital to the nursing home. But this is the home we bought together 46 years ago, I look around and see his handiwork everywhere I look. It is the place we lived in, raised a family in, welcomed the grandchildren into. It is hard to think of it as just Sue's House now.


I don't mean this blog to be gloomy. Hard to be gloomy when there is such a honey of a day I can see it from here looking out across the back garden. That is what I mean about finding some balance, balancing my life with my expectations, realising that I can still dream dreams but cannot expect them to come true in the same way they did as I anticipated marriage, the birth of our babies and all the other good things that came into my life. Let's hope though that there are still plenty of good times ahead.


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Guest lwisman




Good to hear spring is in the air at your house. It is good you are beginning to make plans. Take your time.


Have a great spring!



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Hot and humid here Sue.  Enjoy your spring.  I like to see the sun shining but it doesn't help me as I have a dark cloud over my head.  My son is in the hospital again and they can't reach a diagnosis. 


I did get our bedroom painted finally.  I think you will find once you make new changes in your home, you will enjoy them, even it is just a newly painted room.



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Sue, I think Ray is with you, just not physically. I think when we truly love someone, we always miss them, but we also can laugh and smile and find goodness in life again. And of course God never deserts us. So enjoy the sunshine and the coming of Spring.

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Sue :


its okay to miss Ray & good times you shared with him, but Ray will be so happy for you when you find Sue again & start enjoying life and Sue again.



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Sue, I can't imagine your past few years, but just in the past couple of weeks I have been here on stroke net I have read a lot of what you have said.  You sound so interesting today. Such a thought filled blog. You have a great deal of heart felt feelings going through your head. Its those kinds of thoughts that want me to stay here on this site and gather all of the bouquets of feelings that I will put in my vase of life today.  My Ray is resting today as he had a busy day yesterday. Lots of Dr. appts and therapy.  I am sure your Ray is smiling down at you.  He is probably enjoying watching you find your "Sue". Hugs, Judy

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Ah-first signs of Spring and not a minute too soon. So glad you enjoyed your day.


Sue, you can make it "Sue's home" but that wouldn't be totally true if there were not major parts of it that speak "Ray." I remember Mary Beth asking me if I would sell here, if something happened to Bruce and in all truthfulness, no - this is our home. There is where I am meant to be.


Same for you. Down the road, one re-evals. For right now, that is where you are the most comfortable and there are still "issues" that need to be sorted through, resolved, accepted, finally.


So happy to hear of your taste of Spring. Debbie

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Inevitable that it rained today and is supposed to continue to do so for the next six days, no Spring flowers without showers I guess. But at least I had a foretaste of the Spring to come.



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Well Sue, it's very hot here in my part of Texas the temps are daily triple digits so that is real hot!! I can almost see my electric bill being double in the next cycle billing... We try to just run the ceiling fans to cool most of the house but in a two story house it stays hot without the AC unit running and that cost plenty every 30 days...


Spring and summer seems to be upon us in full blast here in Texas... I think you will get everything done in fine fashion without having to pay to much for the labor!!!

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Sue I had written a reply right after you first posted... but the next morning I didn't see it - I must have forgotten to hit the add comment button and it went down when one of the several crashes happen each day.     I've been trying to work up my reply again and wish I'd thought to check saved content that first time, but it seems gone now.    Anyway, let me just mention the main point of what I had written.... eventhough Bob is still with me, I identify with so much of what you said - sometimes in thinking about what will my future be without Bob and will I care, and sometimes it is just about this house and how it's all me to figure it out now.

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Sue, for the most part people can only stand so much cold weather for a while and you have had your share so glad it is warming up where you are and you are ready for the climate change!!


So make new friends, redo the house to your taste, make it Sue's house, you deserve a new start in life and not live in the past it's not coming back... That happens when you arrive in Heaven years from now!! You MUST get a life now and enjoy the life you got left here on earth...


I tell my wife that all the time, "enjoy your life you got left and we will reunite in Heaven some day." I don't like going to funerals because the preacher asked me one time how old I was? I told him and he said ain't no use in me going back home you may as well stay right here bad as you look!!!


So you see why I got married for the fourth time around so I could look better before I go!!!!!! Those first three marriages almost killed me... Take care Sue!!

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Hi Sue, enjoy spring. here in Central Florida,  It is hot, during the day it is over 98. Sue, enjoy your life, Ray be please that you are, you are a good person, who was a  wife, and caregiver.  Now it is time to live life  as Sue. Go made new friends, redo your house, do what Sue wants to do.



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