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There are times when I forget just how quiet our lives are, Bruce and mine. Now that he understands how to control the volume on the TV - LOL - mostly here, it is just the normal sounds of the house and the birds, when the hawks aren't around. But we certainly had a long bout of over-stimulation this past week.


Seems some of us were all on jaunts this week and the upcoming blogs will be fun.


Tuesday through Thursday, Bruce and I were at our favorite casino. We built up our comps and I wanted to do two overnights, slow movement to New Mexico in the Spring. Bruce's best friend had offered to come and take Bruce for a day, as a birthday gift to me, so I could play poker. And really it works best with one full day - no check in or check out, getting things organized or packing. So that was another incentive.


Check in was late and after five hours on the scooter, Bruce's back was really in bad shape. His WC is custom, but not the scooter. Plus he had been up since 4 am, no nap and truly was just exhausted. Once we got settled in and he was able to stretch out for a bit, we did go down to our favorite Steak House for dinner.


I have been enforcing a mainly vegetarian diet since my retirement, so he was really looking forward to a good steak - LOL. No we did not win, but we had a blast. They are revamping the main part of the resort and have shut down some of our favorite areas during the week, to cut costs. I know the economy is bad and there is now a lot of competition, but it was interesting to see the cost cutting. Still the customer service was impeccable.


The bad news is Bruce refused to get back on the scooter. Our friend did not mind, but he has bad knees and I know he was hurting Wednesday night after having to push Bruce over carpet all day. I have to limit what I do and Bruce knows that. I will have to re-evaluate all this at some point.


We got home Thursday about noon. Sister Mary Beth arrived about 2 pm. We enjoyed a late afternoon and it was nice to have help unpacking all the heavy stuff.


Friday, niece Brittany met us and we went shopping. Mary Beth's youngest is expecting and we have a Carter's right here in town. When you read back through my very early blogs; Mary Beth came every weekend for almost a year after Bruce stroked and Melissa came with her. Melissa was 14. She worked with Bruce and the therapists, can still get Bruce to walk with her - no one else can. Organized my house. So obviously she is very special to us and really, what is more fun than shopping for baby clothes? Bruce is using his coupon skills to stockpile diapers and wipes - LOL. The big boxes of diapers - I have no clue how many are in there - but usually run about $35.00. Now, Bruce has no clue what his Depends cost, but he is right on with the diapers and wipes. LOL. Apparently Rite Aid has a good sale this week - the page is folded over for me - LOL. Gotta love him. Unfortunately Brittany was rear-ended going home - not bad and Izabella was not with us, thank God, but that Honda is her pride and joy. Just so sad since we had had such a great day.


Dinnertime, Melissa, Elizabeth and Ethan - Melissa's fiance and the baby's father, arrived. They wanted New Haven pizza. Ethan is actually from Connecticut, right up by the Casino. They then went off to Brittany's in Milford. My brother was away this weekend, so they had the house to themselves. Still, it was funny - Melissa really wanted to stay here - in her room! Which is really Brittany's room - LOL. Let them duke it out!


Saturday, Brittany had us all down to Milford for a cookout. Talk about hectic - Izabella at 4 and Britt's boyfriend's three year old. Wow!. Bruce did great. Brittany's Mom joined us. It is always fun to have her with us - especially when John is away - LOL.


Mary and I enjoyed some quiet time later, but she had to hit the road early. Had Bruce get her up at 5:30.

Bruce made her tea (I had left the cup and bag out). The girls and Ethan going back tomorrow, so will be stopping here for lunch.


So back to some sort of normal tomorrow. We have a busy week - for us - scheduled, so I tried to keep up with everything, especially with Mary's help. I expect to have Erma back at some point next week. Weather not good, but really best for me in that I can't get Bruce out, so working on things here.


Still and all , a great success. Debbie


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Gosh Debbie that sounds fun but tiring.  I like a three day break but backing up then to hosting visitors, not sure I have that much energy.  But you don't only survive it, you strive on it!

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Must admit, I admire the energy level Debbie! I'm knocking on wood as I say that! was tired when reading it, and cant imagine getting through all these...I'm 38 going on 88 I guess..=)

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Wow, lots of challenges there with lots of breaks from routine - amazingly done.


I remember reading something when I was looking to buy, that talked about not sitting all day on a scooter, I'm guessing because of back support?     It will probably be a matter of finding how long before he needs to get off it and change to a chair or bed, just to rest his back.    I wonder if he tends to lean forward when on the scooter?    Please share whatever you discover that helps, as there are probably others who are trying to find the best timing to use a scooter without problems.


Sounds like your lives are buzzin' with doing and being, so happy for you both!



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