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day30 09.01.2014 my dream



Hello all,


It's september 1st here in Turkey, 11:55am, monday, so have a nice week whereever you are.


I havent been to my grandma for the last 3 days, I want to visit her today for a short period of time, as there's some governmental applications to be made for refunds, etc...


The last 3 days were good as my mother said, she was there for the weekend, saturday morning till sunday lunch time, and everything was good she said. She had shown grandma photos of me-my grandfather and herself mainly, and she had reacted differently. My mom also told me that grandma had a peek in the yoghurt cup to see how much were left, and she did a gesture meaning that she didnt want to eat more...a first sign of wanting and not wanting, a very clear sign as she held my mother's hand with her left hand and tried to look into the cup. =))


I also saw my grandma in my dream last night, it was a very clear dream...As I was trying to lift her head up in her house, she all of a sudden said "Cagin, that's fine love, this much is fine", I was in shock...couldn't believe what I've heard, and asked her " how are you?" straightaway, and she said "oh am tired, very tired Cagin, I feel knackered" she said...I said "you need to rest grandma, is there anything you want to watch or listen?"...then the dream ended...I felt so happy to see her talking...and she was herself...when I told about this to my mom she said that her sister, aunt Nursun has also seen her talking in her dream...whether it's a concidence or not we all love grandma, and each other, and will do the best for her...


Keep on fighting grandma..it will take time, but you can make the best of your time, I know you will! Maybe you'll start eating proper food and start drinking water on your own and will get rid of the NG tube in your nose soon...maybe not so soon...but I know you'll do it!


healthy and happy days to all of you,





Recommended Comments

It is nice to think of our loved one as being happy and healthy again.  Of course we also realise that if this is to happen it is a long slow process to regain what was lost.   Your grandmother is still making some progress. I like that you realised she is back making choices again.  That is real progress in the cognitive activity of the brain.


Keep on visiting, encouraging your mother in what she has to do, keeping the rest of the family updated and encouraging them all to visit and participate in your grandmother's recovery as much as they are able to do so.  It is a long haul back to healthy living but every step is worth it.



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Our dreams give us hope and we need that to keep going forward.   Whether that particular thing will happen or not, it will still be important to keep that will to keep up the good fight.   Everyday, a little more.  :)

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