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Something good to report!!



Hello fellow StrokeNet family. Yes you are now part of my family. I can come to you for all of my thoughts, my goods and my bads!! Well today I come with a good for a change. Yesterday a few minutes after I took the e-stim off of Rays arm, I noticed what looked like a finger moving all by itself. I said "did you see that!!" I was amazed, delighted and shocked! I ran to get my cell phone to take a couple of video's so I could share with my family and with Rays OT. He also managed to move the upper part of his left arm. It's like a miracle is happening. I so hope so for Rays sake. And of course I can't deny for myself.


Last week a friend of his who has been coming over for moral support had read an article put out by the National Stroke Association and he had a heart to heart talk with Ray about his having to be proactive in the rehabilitation of his body. What ever he said to Ray, that afternoon he was willing to take a longer walk and he was willing to sit up more in a chair. That alone was a miracle. As he had seemed less interested in much more than sleeping or lying on the couch. I had mentioned this in my previous blog. I also had a talk with Ray about his recovery. It seems to me that he feels that between the doctors, the medicine and the therapists, that all of his parts will start working. He has not connected the dots that those things can help, but that he has to do the work.


So the movement in his hand is marvelous! So today I am blogging some good news. He is presently complaining about how tired he is today, and that is okay. I told him how about you lie down for a while and then maybe we can take a walk.


Also some good news in the fact that some of the outside jobs that I am not capable of, one of our camping club friends came over and got our motor home started and took it over to have the emissions test. It passed!! I don't drive the motor home, so getting it on the road again was marvelous. The batteries were dead and the jacks did not retract. So another thing checked off of my "how can I manage that" list.


So family, I am smiling today, a tired smile, but none the less a smile. :lolu:


Love, Judy


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Great news, Judy. Here's hoping it is the start of something really terrific and that more recovery will be coming soon. I know this must really lift not only your own spirits but Ray's as well. Thanks for sharing. It gives all of us hope and encouragement.

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Oh Judy - so happy for you and Ray. Just that little bit of recovery can mean so much and offer hope. Those are the things you just pray they latch onto. And bless your friends - one to help with the counseling (didn't come from you-LOL) and someone to just help you out and solve one problem.


Smile away baby and cheers. Great week! Debbie

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Yes, I well remember those first tiny movements that said that something is about to happen to this arm.  In the end my Ray could hold his stroke effected left arm down and cup his hand so he could use it to carry something while he had his stick in his good right hand. He could hold his left elbow out from his side which helped with dressing. Even if he could take his coffee mug to the kitchen that was an achievement as far as I was concerned.


As your Ray achieves more he will be able to do little things, carry a book under his affected arm, get dressed by himself (my Ray took 20 minutes to do that but who cared?) and sometimes using the affected hand as a paperweight write, draw a picture for the grandchild etc. When the movements start it seems small but as they multiply it is only from work, work, work, new pathways in the brain come from repetitive actions, not like a miracle in the night. Once your Ray can understand that other miracles will happen, Sue.

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Thank you all for your words of encouragement.  How funny that such a small thing going on in ones body can be such a huge thing. We often take life for granted.  Today I was looking at pictures on my computer and I was looking at some videos of Ray shoveling the snow out of our driveway. Wow, to just be able to walk, let alone hold a shovel. How such a thing is not recognized as a wonderful feat!!. I am grateful for anything now!!  Thank you family for being here to share something good!

Hugs, Judy

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Other people who are not stroke involved have no idea how big a deal it is EVERY SINGLE TINY THING that happens!    Anytime you don't have something, and get it back, it is a miracle, whether it's just a sensation or tiny movement, it is something that wasn't there before - and we rejoice in any and all wonders that we receive!   Wonderful news!

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So excited for you guys. Moving a finger is a big deal. I can't do that yet so i know what a big deal it is. It is a giant step further. I would be having cake and ice cream if i were you. I find i do more on my own when my hubby leaves the house. I have to. There is no one to ask for help. You need to just go for a walk and find a little respite. It will be good for you both. When my body does something new it always makes me tired. Walking across the room makes me tired.

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