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day37 09.08.2014 monday



Good morning all, 8:57am, Monday the 8th of September.


Could not visit grandma for the last 3 days, mom was not there as well, she had 2 nights away from the city and she is now cleaning the house, but the conversation usually comes down to grandma's health...there's no escape from that. She kept on telling me that money is a must for people who are old, she complains about the government not taking full charge of everything the patient's need and that people should consider health insurance, etc...I hate this conversation as everything leads to money, and now that I'm on the verge of putting up my own fight against life on my own, with my own talents,(starting my own loved student coaching and more free life instead of mechanical engineering which was a way I sold my soul and life to companies) she gets on to me about this "money" thing and says we were lucky since grandma had saved some money which is now being used for herself. I told her we shouldn't worry about the future too much, instead the aim should be not to be a burden for anyone in life...Anyway...I've written off topic but still, capitalism and its toy boy money....afterall, we dunno what can happen to us, and it's beautiful to not know...we just got to enjoy every moment, try to stay healthy...and we can't know when our genetics fail...there's no sign for that...


Planning to visit grandma today, it's a brand new week after all...


My mother stopped by grandma's house yesterday as they were returning to the city from our summerhouse, mom brought grandma's favorite pink pillow back to her, and grandma felt really happy when she saw her own pillow in her hands...mom thinks that she remembered it...and was smiling, happy with the pillow.


Grandma regularly eats her peach-yoghurt and baby biscuit mixture puree and that's now a routine! =) She still can not drink water as she coughs when she takes a sip from the water bottle via a small cane.


Have a nice week then all of you, with health and happiness.






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Thanks for the update Cagin.  Have you used the Thick-it for your grandmother yet?  Remember there are foods that can be pureed that contain quite a lot of liquid too , like pureed fruit which can also be added to the yogurt.


The job change sounds a little scary but if you think it is the way to go I am sure you will make a success of it.



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Cagin :


Thanks for update. I feel having money in life makes life easier for our loved ones to take care of us in case our genetics fail us in this life's journey. 



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Cagin, I''ve heard people say they were told different things, but in our case, his therapist told us to NOT use a straw, because a straw puts the liquid further back into the throat so it gets to the swallow area faster, than if they just took a little spoon of it.   And Bob will choke even if he is sitting up in his chair, unless he is leaning forward a little.    One of the first regular drinks he got was V-8 jc (do you know that drink?  it is like a spicy tomato jc) because of it's thickness, it is not runny like water.   Also, drinks like ensure or boost (they are either in the medical or diet area of a store, although we don't buy the diet verstions.    We actually buy the slow carb versions for diabetics.   ANYWAY, they are thicker than regular drinks, and probably more so when cold - again, no straw and sitting up leaning forward a little, which is done best with feet off the bed, hanging over.    I don't know if she is diabetic, if not, the juice that comes in a can of sweetened fruit will have a lot of calories and be thicker than water.    Cream soups made with half a can of water, not the normal whole can, are thick enough to spoon to eat and provide liquid.

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Hello all,




although I said so, I still did not order "thick-it" jar for 9.95usd, mom said "Cagin, your grandma will learn to swallow in a few weeks, we won't need it, do not order it", so I did not.  Grandma already has pureed peaches+yoghurt...she's ok with that.  But we need to add some more new stuff, diversify her menu as I know she will be bored of eating the same thing over and over again =)


Job change has been taking place for more than 3-4 yrs, I had the urge or bravity to quit my job 13 months ago, august 2013...but still couldnt start up the new one...the will is in me, and it will be ok, no worries.  I know one thing, I will never ever work in a factory or a company as a mechanical engineer as all companies are in a corrupt situation, that's a humanistic non-capitalist point of view.




I hate this money based lives of all of us, I hate money to shape up and construct and make plans for us...it must not be all, money is not everything, and I know it deep inside my thoughts...




Thanks for the advice on the straw...actually was looking for the word, straw...haha...we call it pipet in turkish.  I'll translate your message to mom, it is logical that the straw might block the development of swallowing of my grandma.  Grandma is not diabetic, I'll look "V-8 jc" up on the web and in our supermarkets.Thanks.


Healthy and happy days to all of you.




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It is possible a small amount of corn starch(not the laundry kind) in a thin cold liquid will make it thick enough.    It is the white powder you add to thicken gravy (I don't know if you make gravy in your culture!   People love it over here!)




Please be sure she is not eating fat free yogurt, she is having so few calories and not a lot of foods, and she NEEDS fats in her diet.   Those who eat so little are not like the rest of us who are eating too many fats.   I actually buy fat free, but stir in a 1/2 tsp of olive oil to get a healthy fat in mine.

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Hey Cagin, please that Grandma is doing well.  Great tips from Sandy,


Good for you that you are going to do what you love. Good for you, enjoy and go for it. 


Money, the root of all evil. I see what your Mom is saying. My Parents worked hard, and now they have enought to live a good life, travel, pay they bills, and buy what they want.   I think it is sad that people who have worked hard, yet in their old age, can not afford the basic needs, housing, meds, heating bills and food. It breaks my heart when I am picking up my meds, and see and heard a elderly person saying " do i paid my meds or pay my light bill". 


I do save, I just don't want to be a burden on my children when I get older. My husband feels that his 401k will be enought. He does not worry, saying he shame our Kids if they turn thier back on us LOL



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Hello all,




Thanks for the tip on corn starch, I'll try that in apple juice etc.  We do not make gravy over here as you do in USA and UK. (lived in Wales, UK for a year and I understand what you mean when you say "people love it here") lol...




I need to start this new job of mine and start saving...totally agree with you there, "I just don't want to be a burden on anyone" since I do not have any kids...dunno if I will have...lol


Healthy and happy days to all.



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I'm having a little problem of my own, trying to remember how corn starch works, haven't used it in quite a while.   I'm having a flash of memory, and seems like you put a small amount in a little cold water (juice) and then maybe when you add it to something hot, THEN it gets thicker?   Someone help me here, I haven't used any corn starch for years.    So, it seems you might have to cook a jug of juice, then when it is hot, add the corn starch/water mixture and stir, stir, stir, as it thickens in a minute as it cooks, and you don't want lumps.   Then of couse, you'd have to cool, and put in the fridge.   Sounds a great pain, but let's see how she does in the hospital, they may give a remedy there.  


OK, here is some links to read to try to make sense of this process:


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