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Mr Lefty's Blog

Rose Smith


(I've decided to try blogging from the perspective of my left arm/hand (my affected side) who I affectionately call "Mr Lefty.")

Lefty's Blog


I'm feeling less tight lately. The new brace Rose has been using at night seems to help. It holds my wrist in place and stops me from staying in the bent/flexed position I seem to crave. She also has me hold a tennis ball when she's driving. (Mr Righty does all the steering, I just hang out on her lap.) When we're stopped at a red light, I squeeze and release my grip on the ball a few times. The best is when I squeeze in time to a song on the radio. Today Rose tried to put me on the steering wheel to see if I'm able to help out yet, but my arm just didn't want to relax and straighten out enough yet and I couldn't keep a grip on the steering wheel, so not today. Maybe one day though, when I feel ready.


I'm helping out more these days: holding on to things like a toothbrush or pill bottle while Mr Righty does his fine motor magic. The more Rose remembers to include me in stuff, the harder I try to come back to life. It's snail-pace slow, but I really WANT to get better, it's boring just hanging by Rose's side all the time, I want to get back in the action. My greatest dream? To one day accompany Mr Righty on the piano again, or even type the letters on the left side of the keyboard.


Wish us luck, we'll keep you posted

Rose and Lefty :goodjob:


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This is a good way of expressing your progress- as I type I am using my left hand just a little- from being able to type without checking the keyboard, my typing is possible with two hands if I look as I type- so slow!

I cannot write very well either and yes somehow I thought this would all be sorted by now-  its persistent practice I think- keep up the blogging

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Thanks for the encouragement you guys. And for always being there.


This site has made it so much easier to get through some of my darkest days. 


:) :)

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