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when you want something in life whole universe inspires to help you



As most of you I loved reading spiritual books and love oprah's super soul sunday series on her OWN network where she interviewed Author of book Alchemist. I loved his thoughts & believed in them since I have seen becoming true in my own life. His one of the suggestion was any time you want something in life then don't give up on it because of fear of failures, if you want something keep at it & you will see whole universe inspires to help you. His main message in the book is follow your bliss & don't be afraid. I know currently since our son is senior & I am looking at all his college application process & it makes me very fearful of making mistake while doing it. But hearing Alchemist message I know I have to just follow my bliss & should not be afraid &if I do that then universe is going to help us in things happening right for our son. something we can all learn to integrate in our life




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Well said Asha.  Fear is what keeps us from stepping in the "red sea".  i tell my husbad that if we make the frist step in the "red sea", that the Lord will lift us up and take us over the rest of the sea. It works!



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