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wish i could turn off my brain sometimes



I miss the days when I could just think whatever, say whatever, and do whatever without worrying about whats going to happen. I was afraid to blog about my good day because the day was not over yet. I texted my cousin good news and began having anxiety as I was texting her because I dont know I guess I felt like something bad was going to happen. I hardly get any comments to my blog anymore so I dont know how up to date you all are on my condition.


I went to church Saturday morning and it was so good. I felt so much peace and freedom but after I got home the depression came back and I had 2 non epileptic seizures (1 as I was talking on the phone and 1 right before I fell asleep.) I was so depressed Sunday I lay in bed all day wishing I was dead. Finally I called my dad that evening and decided to stay the night at his house. I just did not want to be alone.


Surprisingly staying at his house went well. No panic attacks, no seizures. Even though I had trouble sleeping through the night, I did not have any nightmares or attacks in my sleep. Yesterday went well also. I had nightmares and attacks in my sleep this morning and 2 anxiety attacks today but good news is I drove myself to the doctor and back safely. I did not want to drive but my dad had to work.


I never thought I would miss the days when not being able to use my left hand was my biggest worry. I am so ready to get treatment started, medication, psychotherapy, whatever for these psychogenic seizures and whatever else is going on. Im so tired of thinking about everything! What did I do differently that one day I didn't have an attack? I want to stay up later than 9 but what am I going to do and what if I have an attack then am afraid to fall asleep period? I want to talk on the phone but I dont want to talk about this. If I watch this show at 7, what am I going to do at 8 to keep me busy til 9? Its just so nerve wrecking all day! But its like I have to think of things and patterns to try to find triggers I guess.


Then there's the whole meditation/positive thinking bit. I've been trying to lay down and take a nap everyday this week so far. If I don't I end up laying here trying to meditate and have positive thoughts so I wont be afraid to fall asleep but its like Im telling myself Im doing this so I won't have an attack which doesn't help since Im still thinking about the attack. Even writing this blog. It should help. Blogging should relax me and give me peace but instead I feel like Im just reminding myself of all the crap I worry about. Finding out I have been having seizures was such a relief at first since I got a name for it but now its just kind of discouraging because at least with anxiety I can kind of control those. Seizures are the ones that had been popping out of the blue and really freaking me out. Okay Im tired of typing.


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Katrina, look at how many have viewed your blogs not how many have commented as a lot of people just don't know what to say.  My blog is "public' so you don't have to be a member here to view it, so many people read them I think by the title. like they read newspaper headlines,whether they read them and understand them I don't know.


I hope you get the help you need.  Do you have a photo album or pictures of some of the good times in your life on some other media?  In my first year as a widow when my thoughts ran away with me as yours do I sometimes just sat and looked at a photo of our good times and meditated on that day, the feel of the sun, the sound of the sea etc.That kind of meditation works for me.


Remember many people are thinking of you, praying for you and you are loved and supported here.



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I like Sue actually " Get what you are trying to say" -- since the onset of my own panic attacks, i understand a bit more… however mine are different than yours - for now--  but I can pretty clearly see what and how they began - no reason what so ever - they just do… mine seems to be constant and meds have not helped … I wish , although in honesty I have only tried 2 - I am hopeful one will work in the future. We are starting at the bottom and working our way up…. so far this med-- Buspar is NOT helping… but it is early in the game …. hang tough…you are not alone… 

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Hi Katrina, I want you to know I read every one of your blogs.  I don't comment because I am a caregiver not a survivor, but I do get some understanding to the anxieties of the stroke survivor and it helps me understand my mom. 


I do want to say I think you are an amazing, articulate person.  You write beautifully as your words flow from sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph. (ever consider a career in writing?)


Stay strong and please keep blogging...(we do read them.)



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Thanks I just wanted to let you guys know I was not upset or anything that I haven't had a lot of comments lately. It's just if I make a lot of entries in a short amount of time, Im not sure who got a chance to read my last entry so I don't know whether to repeat some of the information I mentioned before or not. just trying to make sure you guys who do read can follow along when I write a new entry every other day. I used to only write a couple times a month if that when I was busy with life and my condition was pretty much the same. but lately my mind has been on overload and I feel the need to write about everything so I can remember.

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Katrina :


In my initial days I used to write everyday blog. I felt blogging was mainly for me, it was therapeutic for my soul & when I got comments it felt great. though I always felt writing happy blog doubled my happiness since I got to relive again in my blog & in case of sad blog I got support from my friends. don't let what others think or comment let it bother you



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