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day52 09.23.2014 PT ends this week



Hello all,


11:03am on a beautiful tuesday morning out here, 27°C...sunny...and still sunny on 23rd September.


Still have not been to the hospital and mom told me that she had enough of this hospital PT which was 20min to 60 mins per day and she said she could hire a PT and train grandma at home, and it'd be much better she said...I guess noone is in control of the situation in the hospital and noone was able to forecast or plan anything for my grandma and she believes this PT thing was just for grandma to stand up...stay up in bed, etc...not for speech nor for feeding...the PT doctors are not commenting on the method to feed her, basically noone wants to take a risk and then it comes down to a circus as mom says. During my grandma's PT, there's not a single electronic device which was used to activate my grandma's right arm-leg synapses, etc...I was dreaming of an enhanced PT session where grandma was made to stand up, her feet would be installed with wireless cables which would apply somekind of little electrical impulses to make her use her nerves, etc...well, I have not seen the PT being done to her with my own eyes, but it was just therapists holding her from her armpits, and ...you know "try to take a step now, etc..." kind of thing. Mom says she has had enough...and she said she'd hire a PT for grandma to apply the same procedure for an hour or 2 hours at home...dunno what she's up to but she's taken the lead. She asked the professors and docs there about my grandma's swallowing and speech improvement and they have not said anything about this...all it was said was "she'd be better in the next 4 months"...well then my mom said, and she'd taken the lead now...Grandma will be fed with yogurt and juice puree at home as it was before the hospital...


Grandma's 2nd sunshine visit was yesterday via the wheelchair again and mom said she did not want to go out...but mom insisted and finally they were out in the sunshine for 15-20mins...gradndma was trying to avoid eye contact with the people in the hospital garden...I believe the reason is because she'd not want to be seen by others in a situation like this, and with a 10inch long pipe hanging loose from her nose, the NG pipe, her feed pipe.


Mom said they had many funny moments, moments where both laughed in an insane manner when she was changing her mother's diaper...grandma was trying to explain her smthg but then my mom did not understand...then mom said she thought about her mother's diaper, she wanted to check if she'd filled in her diaper, then she pulled the curtain which seperates the room for the 3 beds in the room...anyway, mom turned grandma over, to check her diaper, then grandma kind of tried to extract her intestines out, got red in her face, then mom realised that what grandma was trying to say that she was constipated...hahaha...they started laughing together like mad...mom had grandma oiled a little and she was relieved...


Looks like grandma is coming out of the hospital on this friday, back home...home sweet home...


By the way, I just ordered the thick-it, thanks to Sandy and everyone who has mentioned this thick-it product =)), I ordered the 26.95usd worth 30oz (nearly 1kg) plastic jar. It should arrive within 2 weeks time, the shipping cost was dearly, but that's fine, 60usd. We'll see if grandma can improve her swallowing with thick-it...we must get rid of this NG pipe in her nose first...in parallel she has to learn to stand up, which she can do for 5-10mins with a little help and take 1-2 steps back and forward.


There's a really huge park just outside her house, the fair (Fuar in turkish), and just like she took me to my wonderous and beautiful walk sessions when I was just 3-4yrs old, I can now take her out there, and she can see beautiful trees and flowers...she can meet nature and hopefully would feel more alive and enjoy her time then...we'll see...


healthy and happy days to all of you out there,





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I'm glad you are making plans for when your grandmother comes home, the Fuar sounds the ideal place for a walk and talk session.  The stimulus of being out in the open, seeing different sights and hearing different sounds give the brain a good work out.  I know the feeling of people seeing you when you don't look the best as I have had a couple of bouts of that myself BUT it is still good to be alive.


Grandmother's return home will put some strain on the household for a while particularly if there are therapists coming and going so I hope you are settle back in well.



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I'm very surprised that Grandma doesn't have a speech therapist or doctor working on getting her off the feeding tube.  Do you know why not?


My mom did not have a feeding tube so I do not know much about this.  When she had her stroke she was on "puree" food.  She was allowed to eat anything that was the consistency of thick mushed baby food. 


I'm sure your grandma will be more comfortable at home but don't expect therapy to be much different then what you have at the hospital. It's a slow journey and I wish everyone well. PS....I really like your mom!  Sounds like my kind of lady!

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I don't know how things are in your country, if the same things exists.... but if they might be the same, I'd say, WHY ISN'T SHE HAVING SPEECH THERAPY, DON'T YOU HAVE A SPEECH THERAPIST HERE?  


I am surprised to find out that they are lifting her by her arm pits.  She NEEDS a gait belt.   As the muscles dwindle in the shoulders, this will become a very bad idea to be hauling someone to their feet with their own weakened body parts... actually it is already a bad idea.


He always loosens it for comfort while sitting, but I tighten it under his boobs when he gets up, then have to tighten it again, because one gets thinner when they stand.   You don't want there to be any looseness if they start to fall, because that will be a bad loss of control.   You keep your hand on the back, when they walk - you do NOT wait till they start to fall then grab for it.   Bob can lose his balance at any time, so I have become attentive to any small change and feel him go off balance before he begins to fall, then PULL HIS WEIGHT TO ME, and his weight becomes part of my own, and I can save him, as I balance my own weight - just like any really obese person can still balance themselves.   Make sure your moms knows this.




I do not think insurance will pay for it at home, and your mom should realize that it will cost $1000s of dollars a month, each month, to have in home therapy and pay yourself.   It does not sound like you have a good hospital therapy, I don't expect the inhome ones to be any better :(

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OH, PS - when I lift him, I put hands on either side of the buckle.   Otherwise the buckle begins to slide and could open up.  By pulling with a  hand on each side of the buckle, it keeps it from receiving the weight, so it doesn't open.

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Sue, Heidi and Sandy, thanks for your comments...I was just reading through the comments made, and I thought I missed some...


Sandy, the gaitbelt is still not recommended by the private PT who comes home...I will ask him to get one, thanks.


Heidi, mom is crazy about doing things, she makes up her mind and boom...there she goes...right, straight into action...She learned to speak in english at the age of 53, about 9 years ago, and when I was living in Wales, my parents came over, and mom was speaking really fluent english, I was amazed...


Sue, we settled back in well to her house...well she's happy and smiling, and laughter is all we have, when we cant seem to understand each other, we all laugh...hahaha...it's funny, and I believe grandma knows that it's still so nice to be alive!  You are right.


wish you all a great autumn with your loved ones...a great october, and a happy thanksgiving at the end of the month...

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