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Done for 2014



Well we got through all the clean out - organization - I had planned for this year and I have to say, this is very nice.


The new TV remotes arrived at 6pm on Friday. Not a good time for any of us caregivers to try to do this or for Bruce - too close to bedtime. But I locked myself in the bedroom for 2 1/2 hours and could not do it. Came out to Bruce asleep in his WC in the living room. He can function with the old remote - it is certainly frustrating for him, but he has been a dear about it.


I called Tech support at 8am on Monday. We spent two days in this house awaiting a return phone call. Still hasn't come - LOL.


We have a Nor'easter due in tomorrow, so I knew we had to get out today.


In order to finish up our old Master bedroom and the new mattress, I had to clean out the linen closet. Had everything I needed. Thoroughly cleaned the room, moved all the furniture, got my paperwork reorganized and then took pix for Bruce to see.


Then we got down into his office. I think I have finally gotten over the panic of running out of toilet paper and not being able to leave the house - LOL. Only took 5 years. Got his clothes switched over and his summerwear stored in his closet. Dining room chairs to the cellar (dining room table is in the living room, for Bruce). Ottomans to the attic. Computer printer to the workroom. Haven't decided what to do about that just yet. His desk chair is going to his old place of employment, but that is easy to move because it is on wheels. That clears the room so he has access to all his bookshelves. And we found some wonderful stuff: family photo albums, short stories and poems he had published. So a good pile for him to go through - and NOT watch TV. We also found a Depends carton of things Melissa had put away for him way back 5 years ago. Lots of treasures in there.


Tuesday I set him up with the folding table in the garage. It was a beautiful day. I brought up everything from the shelves in the cellar. Most of it was tools, which had to go into the toolbox anyway. Bruce got through all of it. We had a medium size box for Habitat for Humanity, which we took today. Representative noticed a Muffler Clamp, took it out of the box and handed it to another Representative. He put his arm around me and said "thank you so much. This is just Karma." Then he went out to the truck to thank Bruce. You just never know when you will touch someone. Made our day.


Quick aside: Bruce has one step up from the garage to his office. I cleared the entry so the door opens all the way. But the door is on his good side, so pivoting to the WC meant taking a few steps, leading with the affected R foot. But he has to come out of the shower that way, so really nothing new about the move. Still, going down into the garage, he brings the WC right up to the edge of the step, puts his feet on the garage floor and just stands with his hemi and pivots to the other WC. The man will figure out any way to avoid moving too much - LOL!


Then off for Flu shots and a BJs run. Tomorrow I will decide on the TV remote, yet again. We will be in anyway. Paying bills and we want to do some cooking. Bruce built some bird houses and his Godson made us one, I want to get those cleaned up and displayed. But again, these are things that are important to us but have been put aside for way too long. Time to start living in the now. Debbie


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Wow Debbie you have done so much.  And the way Bruce has himself organized is fascinating, that man uses all the brain cells he has. Congratulations on all you have done.  Sounds like there is plenty left to sort and i am sure you will get through a lot more before Spring.  I can imagine the pleasure of all of those books to re-read already.

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Ray doesn't seem to care about any of his old stuff, so I'm gradually selling it all on eBay or Craigslist, whenever the money gets tight.  Just like money in the bank!  But the TV remote control, that's another story.  He actually gets angry if anyone else touches it, and hides them in the bookcase when someone comes over.  This isn't irrational though, the old Universal remote we have doesn't work with our new gear so now there are four of them all told, and so complicated that anyone who touches them with all their buttons always reprograms something that takes me days to figure out how to change back.  But, everything else...his tools, the Corvette, his train layout...he has no affection for in the least.  I'm the one that sheds a tear every time one more thing is gone.  Guess I should thank my lucky stars instead.


So far the Nor'Easter doesn't seem that bad;  we have (hopefully the final) visit to the orthopedist about Ray's broken arm. I'm not cancelling unless they do.  It's been over four months, and doesn't hurt him anymore, and he's back to therapy to see if we can get him up and walking.  The therapist wants some kind of authorization that he can work with that arm, and I guess I do too.  It would be nice to be able to haul him up the old way.  

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HA! so this morning I am working in his office and find yet ANOTHER pile. These were his notebooks from his freshman year in college.


When I moved in the attic and cellar were stuffed. We added the four bedroom and bath addition together. Two of those bedrooms were our offices.


Bruce had two file cabinets in the cellar and managed to clear out one before he stroked. Somehow this pile made it up to his office. We don't know how. It is a mystery. Personally my money is on Santa's little elves - LOL

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