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something new



So - I decided to start blogging (you lucky people are in for a treat - or maybe not - lol). My OT ordered me a hand splint to keep me from making a fist during the night - except for that icky, sweaty feeling you get when you're in contact with plastic for any length of time - it was surprisingly comfortable. At least I wasn't awake half the night trying to keep my hand unclenched. She also started using the e-stim in hopes of jump starting some hand movement since the only thing I can do right now is make a fist and get my pinky to move - we like to joke about how my hand is coming back bass ackwards cuz I can't do anything the easy way. I get to do an on road driving assessment on October 9th so hopefully I'll get the all clear to start driving again - not being able to drive myself has been driving me nuts because I'm a very independent person. I also get to go see a neuropsychologist next week and as long as he doesn't find anything wrong that my ST has missed I think They'll let me go back to work soon.


And work is a whole other story - the last time I stopped by to visit they were telling me how my job has changed since I left - if I was going back to my old job the way it used to be it would be a piece of cake. Hopefully somebody else will continue doing that part of my job and they'll give me general work to do. And then, since my job is technically going away by the end of the year, I was offered another job that will be a lot less stressful.


We have to have blood work done every year at work and fill out a health assessment if we want the lower insurance rate and mine was yesterday. If a doctor was looking strictly at my numbers - which were almost perfect - he never would have thought I'd be at risk for a stroke - but like I said before I seem to do things bass ackwards and make life as difficult as possible for myself.


Thus endeth my first blog.


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I am so happy for you. I got the feeling while reading your blog of such peace with you. One good thing after another is happening for  you and falling into place.Good luck Oct.9th. I'll be keeping positive thoughts your way that day

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Welcome to the Blog Community, I am sure you will get a lot of support here from survivors and caregivers alike.  We are no experts but have heaps of experience between us. Yes, you do sound as if things are going pretty well for you but when they don't it is okay to vent here too as we all do from time to time.


Good 1st blog, I know we will learn more about you as the 2nd, 3rd etc appear.



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It's an antispascisity ball splint - there's a bump that fits in the palm of your hand and the fingers are separated and strapped down and then it straps around the forearm. The hardest part is getting the bump positioned just right and then getting the fingers straightened and positioned comfortably. I thought I might have to have my son help me but so far I've managed it by myself.



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Really encouraged by people at your work place seemingly trying to look out for you. It doesn't happen everywhere!


Good luck to you. 



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