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So I am a newbie to this site and to blogging in general. I want to take the time to introduce myself. I am probably one of the youngest ones on this site. I am 23 years old and a Stroke survivor. My story is unlike anyone else's I have ever heard of or that anyone that I know of has ever heard of. I survived a stroke at birth. Yes, you read that right, at BIRTH. :) I have overcome many hurdles and obstacles to get to where I am today. I have become a successful young woman today working in a career I love and devote my life to. I have accomplished goals I never thought I could accomplish in my life. I was able to graduate not only high school but college also where I earned my degree in Occupational Therapy. I struggled all my life when it came to academics. I have right hemiparesis, but nobody would know unless I told you my miracle story. My goal while being on this site is to provide support possibly to any parents out there going through what my parents did when I was a baby. Or to give support to anyone out there having difficulty with their own challenges or obstacles they may be suffering from. I wish everyone the best and I cant wait to hear everyone's remarkable story!


Remember to always have Faith, Hope and Love in your life.


God Bless!


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Welcome aboard Brijay. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story with us. Please do come often and do chime in on other posts and blogs. Your insight into stroke can be very valuable. Debbie, caregiver to husband Bruce, stroke March 2009

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You mentioned right hemiparesis but it is not noticeable, do you struggle with spasticity also. Just curious I suffer from left side hemiparesis. Again, welcome


Kristen,39 years old, stroked 2 years ago.

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Brijay, we do  have younger stroke survivors, some parents who look after young stroke survivors and some grandparents who do the same.  I hope some of them will make themselves known to you and you can support each other.


Welcome to the Blog Community, there is unlimited experience here, we are no experts but we have a lot of full-on caregivers and veteran stroke survivors.  So keep on blogging and some of them will catch up with you here.



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Hello Brijay! I am also new to this site this past week. I am still sorting out if this is a website that will provide the support and guidance I need. Hopefully we will both find what we want out of this!


Sounds like you have had great challenges, but you seem to have a strong spirit. 


All the best to you. 



32 year old stroke survivor from August 29, 2014

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Wow. We could learn a lot from you. Wish you were my OT. :). Feel free to jump in any time with your thoughts and feelings. I think your perspective would be really helpful for a lot of us. I am proud of how far you have come because i know those are not easy things to accomplish for anyone much less someone who has obstacles thrown in her path. Please visit us often.

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Hello Brijay, my  look at you! Well done.!   I am Yvonne stroked April 2010. You are so right about  having  faith and love in your life! 


keep on posting 


Love and hugs



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Thank you everyone and Great meeting all of you! Its great meeting and getting to know others out there who are individuals who are going through similar experiences. I look forward to getting to know you all and continuing to raise awareness and supporting each other! 

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You mentioned right hemiparesis but it is not noticeable, do you struggle with spasticity also. Just curious I suffer from left side hemiparesis. Again, welcome Kristen,39 years old, stroked 2 years ago.



Yes, well I am unsure of how it would be if I was older and suffering from hemiparesis but mine is on my right side. I have decreased sensation on my hands and face specifically that I realize. I cant feel food on my right side of my face, i cant feel when my nose is running, When I hold my hands up and look at my left compared to my right, my right hand and fingers are bent backwards i guess you could say where my left hand is a typical as compared to most other individuals. I am left handed actually also. My fine motor skills for my right hand are very poor. I cant feel keys, money, coins, pens, pencils, silverware with my right hand. Those are just some things of probably many that I cant feel with my right hand. I have no spasticity from my stroke. IF you dont mind me asking what is your left hemiparesis like for you? 

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You sound like a remarkable young woman and I am sure your parents are extremely proud of you. What a terrific attitude! I'd bet the ranch that you are an awesome occupational therapist. Congratulations on taking one of life's toughest blows, getting up and moving on. I admire that a whole lot.

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hi brijay14and welcome to the site. thank you for sharing your story with us.   my name is kimmie,  i am the membership administrator for the site.  if you ever have a problem with anything on site, please just let me know. and i can help you.   yes we have young members too.  stroke does'nt  care about  age .  babies can have them  too.   you are a very strong and determined woman,  which helps in your recovery

my story is i had my stroke at 48 years young a rt sided ischemic stroke. affecting my left side i have been working for 12 years in my recovery  i have never given up hope that 1 day my arm/hand will regain some function,  i have read that survivors can get some function back even 20 years after their stroke.  i got my leg to work not  very long after my stroke,  i walk with a brace and cane.  because of my drop foot.  its great you were able reach your goals. keep updating us  you can,  we have a young stroke survivor chat every Wednesday night at 8-9PM  EST.  you might enjoy meeting other people like you.  i hope to see you more around the site.be safe and well.



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Hi Brijay14  **hi** welcome to our wonderful site! My name is Yolanda; my granddaughter Tootie is a multiple stroke survivor (5 total); she is 11 years old.

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Hi Brijay14  **hi** welcome to our wonderful site! My name is Yolanda; my granddaughter Tootie is a multiple stroke survivor (5 total); she is 11 years old.

Hi Yolanda! Wonderful to meet you! :) I am so sorry that your granddaughter has had to go through that. I have a few questions for you and would like to chat with you. I am going to send you a private message. hope you dont mind! :) 

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You sound like a remarkable young woman and I am sure your parents are extremely proud of you. What a terrific attitude! I'd bet the ranch that you are an awesome occupational therapist. Congratulations on taking one of life's toughest blows, getting up and moving on. I admire that a whole lot.

Thank you RonA. 

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