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Hello my name is Tammy I'm 42 yrs old I have some left side weakness suffered a right ischemic stroke 2yrs ago I have a small amt of weakness on my right side I had to relearn to walk and I have left side periphial vision loss


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Tammy: welcome aboard. Please do come often and chime in on the posts and blogs. There is much you can offer to our community. Let us know about living with the vision loss and how you accomodate the R sided weakness. Debbie, caregiver to husband Bruce, stroke 2009.

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Tammy, welcome to the Blog Community.  I am Sue, former caregiver to Ray for 13 years, Ray died in September 2012 and I am still here as  volunteer.  I want to encourage you to use your blog as a personal diary, to ask for support, to give information that might be useful to others and to just tell us about your life.  I even use mine to vent sometimes when there is no-one in my life who wants to listen to me.


We are not experts here but all have a lot of experience, either as a stroke survivor or as someone who is caring or has cared for a survivor.  We are a great support team and you are very welcome to it.



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hi tammy :


welcome to best online stroke support group. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved. I found blogging & chatting with other survvors very therapeutic for my soul. hope to see you around more often.


Asha(now 44 year old survivor)

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Hello Tammy, welcome to a wonderful site with caring, loving people,  who do not judge, know what you are going through.  After my stroke I was so lonely, mad ad, crying, screaming, not really understanding what I was going through , and the doctors not telling you much, and my family looking scared for me.  Finding strokenet was a blessing, have any question ? some one will know the answer. It  great  to have some where to come and vent!  


I love to read and encourage other  members. You take care, keep on blogging



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Thanks for your response I look forward to using this site once I get better navigating it gonna be so nice to have people to talk to who understand my feeling and what I'm going through thanks again

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