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I'm Your What????



They say that with a stroke may come some personality changes. That's what I have been told. Man, they aren't kidding.


Lisa and I had 2 different sets of morals I guess you would call it. Hers was "Don't tell the truth if it would hurt someone's feelings". Mine was "You can say anything as long as it's the truth". It's crazy but our morals have reversed. I don't know when it happened, but it did. I find myself more conscience of others now, and she will say whatever she feels like.


I'll give you an example. Lisa was getting some work done by one of her aides yesterday when I was there. She was ordering me around (like she always does) getting her clothes, shoes, and other things. The aide asked her if I always do what she tells. Lisa responded, "Of course. He's my Bitch.". OMG!! The look on the aide's face was priceless. Next thing I know, every person on at the time is asking her what my role is. Lisa has developed a much different personality. I find it quite comical.


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Thanks for blogging this! I laughed so hard I thought I would chock on my coffee. For a long time, I've preached that the best way to cope with caregiving is to learn to develop our sense of humors more...to laugh at the things that might other wise make us cry. I figured this out when I caregave for my dad. I was living under such a cloud of depression because of his dementia that I felt that I was drowning. To help get myself out of it, I start keeping a diary of all the funny things that my dad did and said plus things to be gratiful for. Pretty soon I found myself thinking, "This would be good for the diary" and that helped turn me around.



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One time Dad was telling me to do something for him while he had company. The company said, Do you do that all the time? Dad said, She does everything I tell her to do. The company looked at me sadly. I smiled and said, It's OK, Dad does everything I tell him to do too. Plus, if he's telling me stuff, it means he can talk.


I don't think they ever got it.


Thanks for your blogs, I usually get a smile, or in this case a laugh from them.

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OMG....I laughed so hard at this I thought my stitches would pop out!!!

Thanks for sharing and the laugh. lol_2.gif


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Thanks for the good chuckle. As a survivor who had lost impulse control and said whatever I thought, I can appreciate Lisa saying that. Keep your sense of humor!


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that is a hoot butch!!!!! i wish i had a "bitch"!!!!!!!! that probably was filed somewhere in her mind from a prison movie. i think it's funny too!!! you have a great sense of humor butch!!!!!



kim lol_2.giflol_2.giflol_2.gif

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