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day68 10.09.2014 Grandma's @home



blog-0979404001412841162.jpegHello all,


10:29am here on a bright and sunny october day, 9th to be exact, hope you all are having a great autumn start in the northern hemisphere in the states.


I've been away from the city with me mates for 6-7 days, walking the Lycian way, 30-35km in 3 days with lots of elevation gain,etc...We were all off the limits of cell phone coverage and all hi tech mobile phones, etc...Camping out at the age of 38 has made me more cautious on the city water I use now, and nature...nature is amazing, it's splendid. I can now understand why it's so damn important to let your kids discover themselves with the nature they are surrounded by via camping, scouts, etc...in ages 6-14...it's a must...


Grandma has been doing great since her feeding tube was removed, her gestures have developed and she can spot names on a board, pick from 20 names the names I say to her. She still can not use her right arm and leg and complains about the pain in her non-moving arms mostly...I guess her muscles hurt in her right arm and leg.


The physio therapist comes twice a week and tries to make her walk in the house via the 3 legged single bar. She can walk for 20-30m on her own in the house. She does not want to be taken around via her wheelchair but I will do that in the near future...the weather is perfect and she loves the gardens or the trees...


So far so good...she's come a long way...the PT says she may start making sounds, or even pronouncing words in 1-2 months, and last week my grandma tried to tell me smthg but she couldnt, she realised her voice was not coming out, and she was laughing to herself then...laughter is all we have with her...and its amazing to laugh with her as her grandson...When the time comes, I'll be teaching her the letters and how they are pronounced...that's something I love to do anyway, to be able to make use of my talents, my teaching ability...well at least I believe I can teach people what I know, or show, lead them the true way of positive thinking...about life, education...afterall, that's why I resigned.


May it be a wonderful and healthy week and weekend for you all.


Warmest regards and hugs to all,




PS: Please find below or attached to this blog entry a photo of my grandma at her hospital days, mom insisted that grandma should sit on the wheelchair and then she got her out, into the garden of the hospital...guess that was 2 weeks ago, her last time in the hospital. She looks great actually, much better than the first 1-2 weeks of her stroke which took place on 2nd August 2014, saturday, 5:30pm.


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Great to hear good new. Grandma looks great. Please  that you got to get away, and yes nature is wonderful, and every city kid needs to get away. 



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She is looking really good, and a pretty woman!    When Bob came home, I don't know if you have the same as we do?    We get sales ads from the grocery stores, and I would cut out pictures of fruit and all foods, and furniture store ads.   I cut many pictures and kept them in a box, in the group they belonged in (fruit/vegetables, drinks, rice, cereal, pasta, all the different things I could find.    The ads for clothing and shoes - everything.

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Thanks Stingray and Sandy.  @Sandy, yes we do have those grocery store ads, and I've told mom about your wonderful idea.  She will do it.  Grandma is at her awakening stage I guess, her gestures really are off the charts, she looks as if she understands everything we say, when we say it slow and one by one.  Her laughter still remains as it is, that's awesome.  But her unused, paralysed right arm and leg hurts badly each and every day.  I believe her brain is sending out signals to her unused muscles, and they are trying to come alive...well that's a thought...have a wonderful sunday everyone.

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Cagin, thank you for the update.  I hope your grandmother and your mother get back that closeness that mothers and daughters so value.  I do think about them and of course they are both in my prayers. Sunny days ahead for all of you as to try to bring laughter back to this special person, your dear grandmother.

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Hello Sue and Yvonne (sorry I missed out my thankyous for your message earlier), thanks for your lovely messages and prayers.  My mom and grandmother were always really close, as they are now.  Laughter is a regular gesture for my grandmother now, bless her.

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